POS one more 52 week low 2.45


UP YOURS..... never will happen...... especially with all the new bus. coming on..
get a life.... im sure your a quest or lca rep who is pissed at all the bus we've taken...

See trend in stock price in the first post above; $700M company to <$90M (market cap) in 3 yrs -more than 80% of investors and 401k money gone! U looked at ur 401k lately? -80%? u can get all the "new" business-cuz anyone can fool a physician/customer once-but u can never retain it-cuz u r a crap-lab; If a physician orders again, then shame on them-Physicians are not run of the mill "joe-shmoes"-they are highly educated and won't settle for crap results twice- u can send crap results only once, before the 'new' business is gone. Any monkey can get "new" business once.
Coupled with medicare changes/healthcare cuts/unemployment, u r finished.
Just a small crap lab.
Do patients/physicians a favor-stop sending wrong results, go work for a "real" lab-not a crap lab to be delisted.
I'm leaving this crap lab as soon as I can. Not too many "good" sales people left anyway.

Lost 6 cents of every dollar you own in this stock, today. Excellent. Path to Delisting is one way....Down....Down....Down....
Lost one-twelfth of every dollar you own! In a day! crap crap crap...
When it reaches $0 you wont have to worry about losing any more...

never, smart people like me are buying and will make a fortune.. losers like you hide behind your pc like a little girl and whine....

Let me know how that works out :) Good Luck!
...keep buying...till it goes lower...and then buy some more-ride it all the way down to Zero!
Fcking thieves...madoff would be proud.

And you can give us your name? Is it Anonymous? A*hole....and girls will kick your ass...

wow, great comeback....... thanks for making your lack of intelligence
so obvious to everyone on the board.... just bought another bunch of shares,
get in before its too late... this company is going to explode.. most undervalued
stock on the exchange...

. most undervalued
stock on the exchange...

This company has been "most undervalued stock" for 10 years!

And so was Enron....

And like Madoff could always make you money.

Or I could sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.

Get over it-its dead-Just like Madoff's fund, Enron...ofcourse I could still sell you the bridge :)

I forgot to mention-you will have full naming rights to the bridge, as follows:

"Annonymous A*hole who got kicked by little girls, and rode Enzo all the way down to Zero"- bridge