PORT 1--Your Summer Ends Next Tuesday


Get ready to hit the books boys and girls--lots of reading,above average amount of testing, and oh yeah--you might want to cancel all your vacation through the end of September as the local,and regional meetings will be upon thee during June until the end of September--also make sure that PMP is up todate and all competencies reflect the 20% SIP that you will be charged with for Januvia and the newest blockbuster,ER---Port 2 monster signing off

Get ready to hit the books boys and girls--lots of reading,above average amount of testing, and oh yeah--you might want to cancel all your vacation through the end of September as the local,and regional meetings will be upon thee during June until the end of September--also make sure that PMP is up todate and all competencies reflect the 20% SIP that you will be charged with for Januvia and the newest blockbuster,ER---Port 2 monster signing off

Clarification: Only for the chosen 50% of Port 1

As for the other 50%, do your reading and testing on Merck's time.