Pops please listen....please



There’s a great many of us that care about this company and want to help patients. Leadership has to change! I’ve never worked for a company where we blame customers, refuse to listen to internal partners who have experience and lead with fear.

Due to our long patents we need to think strategically to set us up for immediate and future success. Alkermes is NOT even doing the basics because people at the top refuse to listen to customers and internal partners that know what success looks like.

This is a good company (and could be great!) if you recruited an engaged CCO who is secure in himself and can take this company to the next level (emotional intelligence would be nice too).

Many of us came here because we were inspired by you, your rhetoric, your compassion for patients and yes creating wealth thru stock.

Please take a look under the hood. Inflated egos and incompetence are slowing eroding peoples confidence, spirit and passion! We want to work here and are thirsty for good leadership!

Second third and fourth . Did you see everyone in that room when MS was talking last week... talking talking talking. He has no idea how to show us appreciation or motivate our leadership team. We are all numb to his lack of connection from the field and his lack of giving a shit about us. He only talks to show how smart he is on our pipeline and never speaks about the people in this company And what we are doing to grow and develop people. It’s causing even the best of us to become disgusted. He is not a leader

I’m genuinely worried about how this company is going to progress and move forward. It’s one thing if you can’t connect and motivate the field (it really stinks) but I’m not confident in this guys strategy for both the short and long term. We are making careless errors. Why do we have to learn everything the hard way when we have customers and people who know what to do being ignored or worse yelled at? It just stinks to have a feeling of hopelessness about leadership.

And none of you realizes that the CEO is the one who sets the lofty expectations for the products?

You are correct and most people understood what they were getting into from that perspective. I just thought I would at the very least have an average leader and competent professionals to work with since I was told it was a collaborative environment with the best Boston has to offer.

Long-timer here. RP is smart and well intentioned but has never understood sales and marketing. You should have seen the s-show here before MS. Biggest problem is RP thinking our products are so great, should be easy to sell and customers are wrong. We've never had support from R&D / medical: new studies, publications, KOL support. Three diff heads of med aff in 5 years.

Long-timer here. RP is smart and well intentioned but has never understood sales and marketing. You should have seen the s-show here before MS. Biggest problem is RP thinking our products are so great, should be easy to sell and customers are wrong. We've never had support from R&D / medical: new studies, publications, KOL support. Three diff heads of med aff in 5 years.
MS is an amazing and very smart. Just ask him and he will spend 20 minutes explaining why he is so smart. Ask AK that same question and he will have no idea what you're talking about. I am looking forward to AK kicking off the meeting in Florida with some stupid Patriot story on Brady or coach Bill. Very inspiring said nobody that has had to sit through and AK presentation.

Hope that helps. SRD team!

Long-timer here. RP is smart and well intentioned but has never understood sales and marketing. You should have seen the s-show here before MS. Biggest problem is RP thinking our products are so great, should be easy to sell and customers are wrong. We've never had support from R&D / medical: new studies, publications, KOL support. Three diff heads of med aff in 5 years.

Do you think it’s going to get better with 5461?