Well, obviously different areas of country, special account require different attire. If I wore a suit, my accounts would ask me "Where are you going. . . out to dinner?" LOL Sales 101, you are supposed to dress to make your client comfortable. I have a counterpart that wears 700 dollar suits with all the fixins' and he SCREAMS: Old Pharma. Everyone notices him because of his attire. He is treated with respect and well-liked but he needed "me" to get access into acute care settings even though the area was new to me and he'd been there for YEARS! I think this, above, is a perfect example of knowing when and what to where for your clients and THEIR customers/pts.
I do like the post regarding dressing up like we're attorney's in court or a CEO making a million dollar deal. Many of us deliver samples. We stomp through rain, mud and snow, 100 degree heat to sub-zero temperatures. . . how silly to where an expensive suit to do this job. No one really cares and, in fact, I have heard staff say they hate it because it gives off the impression of lazy money or a conceited representative.