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Poor sportsmanhip hits the White House


Well-Known Member
It's been a White House tradition for decades: a first-term president hosts his immediate predecessor in the East Room for a ceremony to unveil the portrait of the former president that will hang in the halls of the White House forever. Republican presidents have done it for Democratic presidents, and vice versa — even when one of them ascended to the White House by defeating or sharply criticizing the other.

"We may have our differences politically," President Barack Obama said when he hosted former President George W. Bush for his portrait unveiling in 2012, "but the presidency transcends those differences."

But this modern ritual won't be taking place between Obama and President Donald Trump, according to people familiar with the matter. And if Trump wins a second term in November, it could be 2025 before Obama returns to the White House to see his portrait displayed among every U.S. president from George Washington to Bush.

Trump is unconcerned about shunning the presidential custom and has attacked Obama to an extent no other president has done to a predecessor. Most recently he's made unfounded accusations that Obama committed an unspecified crime. It's a snapshot of American politics in 2020.

"You've got a president who's talking about putting the previous one in legal jeopardy, to put it nicely. We have not seen a situation like that in history," presidential historian Michael Beschloss said. "It takes antipathy of a new president for a predecessor to a new level."


Maybe he shouldn’t have spied on Trump without any valid reason! Trump has every right to bear a grudge for he was horribly and illegally treated!

"He was horribly treated" We hear this every damn day from him and his idiot minion conspiracy theory Manson girl losers like you.

Your idol wants to convey how 'strong' he is. Yet he runs away from reporters, especially FEMALE reporters, like a little coward when they ask him something he doesn't like. But besides that, he will go down as the whiniest perpetual victim ever. He whines daily and he is ANYTHING but strong. He is a p--sy. And he is going to lose the election in a landslide. Cannot wait for it because I am sick of his whiny victim act daily. For someone who wants to be seen as so strong, he just is a major wuss.

It's been a White House tradition for decades: a first-term president hosts his immediate predecessor in the East Room for a ceremony to unveil the portrait of the former president that will hang in the halls of the White House forever. Republican presidents have done it for Democratic presidents, and vice versa — even when one of them ascended to the White House by defeating or sharply criticizing the other.

"We may have our differences politically," President Barack Obama said when he hosted former President George W. Bush for his portrait unveiling in 2012, "but the presidency transcends those differences."

But this modern ritual won't be taking place between Obama and President Donald Trump, according to people familiar with the matter. And if Trump wins a second term in November, it could be 2025 before Obama returns to the White House to see his portrait displayed among every U.S. president from George Washington to Bush.

Trump is unconcerned about shunning the presidential custom and has attacked Obama to an extent no other president has done to a predecessor. Most recently he's made unfounded accusations that Obama committed an unspecified crime. It's a snapshot of American politics in 2020.

"You've got a president who's talking about putting the previous one in legal jeopardy, to put it nicely. We have not seen a situation like that in history," presidential historian Michael Beschloss said. "It takes antipathy of a new president for a predecessor to a new level."

I love that Obama's portrait shows him in a tan suit. Remember how that was the calling cry of conservatives that he didn't respect the office of President cause he wore a tan suit??? The hypocrasy!!!! LMFAO