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Poor Frankie


It's a boo-hoo day for him. He now has to respect the Constitutional rights of others and isn't allowed to force his religion on them any longer. Maybe Trumpty Dumpty who can't walk down a ramp or drink a glass of water without holding it with bof hands will tweet an XO to over-ride SCOTUS. :p

Conservative Christians See 'Seismic Implications' in Supreme Court Ruling
The right wing bigots are furious. They have no idea that their future sucks way more than it does now They will all be EXTREMELY toasty for eternity due to the damage they have inflicted for years.

The right wing bigots are furious. They have no idea that their future sucks way more than it does now They will all be EXTREMELY toasty for eternity due to the damage they have inflicted for years.
No such thing, but there are plenty of left wing bigots. And it’s those, who will be roasting in Hell not those opposed to this judicial travesty attacking the 1st Amendment. We either straighten up and stop the nonsense like this or the country has no future and will go the way of the Roman Empire. Christianity outlived it as well. The choice is ours.

No such thing, but there are plenty of left wing bigots. And it’s those, who will be roasting in Hell not those opposed to this judicial travesty attacking the 1st Amendment. We either straighten up and stop the nonsense like this or the country has no future and will go the way of the Roman Empire. Christianity outlived it as well. The choice is ours.

Fossils of anatomically modern humans have been dated from the Middle Paleolithic at about 200,000 years ago. Christianity has had some good point and many bad ones and is at best 2,000 ish years old. This too shall probably pass unless it overcomes it's suppression of very natural things.

It's a boo-hoo day for him. He now has to respect the Constitutional rights of others and isn't allowed to force his religion on them any longer. Maybe Trumpty Dumpty who can't walk down a ramp or drink a glass of water without holding it with bof hands will tweet an XO to over-ride SCOTUS. :p

Conservative Christians See 'Seismic Implications' in Supreme Court Ruling

My question why do you care of what the Christians think of you, if don't believe in any of it anyway. Bottom line is that they hurt you, because they have rejected you because of the lifestyle you have chosen, by trying to make you feel less than them as if you are not a true believer as they are, but what you don't seem to understand it is not about what they think, it is about God and he knows your heart, they are just people just like you and I they have don't have right to judge or measure someone closeness to God. Human beings are sinful by design, they almost can't help themselves, however people seem to be missing the whole concept, basically what Christianity is trying to get across to people is that he knows you are sinners but at least try to control your selves as much as you can, and most importantly tried to be decent one another, quit hating people for stupid crap.If people would just do that we would not have all problems that we have.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Really not that deep, simple fix. Quit being racist, quit being HATERS in general.

Christianity is not destroying our country bigotry regardless of what type it is and using that bigotry as an excuse to oppress its own people, is what is destroying our country. Until they figure it out, its always going to be this way. Our enemies hope the U.S. never figures it out.
это правильно
eto pravil'no Russia.:rolleyes:o_O

My question why do you care of what the Christians think of you, if don't believe in any of it anyway. Bottom line is that they hurt you, because they have rejected you because of the lifestyle you have chosen, by trying to make you feel less than them as if you are not a true believer as they are, but what you don't seem to understand it is not about what they think, it is about God and he knows your heart, they are just people just like you and I they have don't have right to judge or measure someone closeness to God. Human beings are sinful by design, they almost can't help themselves, however people seem to be missing the whole concept, basically what Christianity is trying to get across to people is that he knows you are sinners but at least try to control your selves as much as you can, and most importantly tried to be decent one another, quit hating people for stupid crap.If people would just do that we would not have all problems that we have.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Really not that deep, simple fix. Quit being racist, quit being HATERS in general.

I wish they would do that. They have endeavored to influence laws on personal matters that do not concern them Like you say, why do they care what the rest of us like when they don't practice it anyway. Book censorship was once rampant in this country - imagine that. Freedom of Speech is guaranteed in our Constitution. So you're saying that exercising our 1st Amendment rights is a sin? You are the problem. Same with portraying the human body (which Christians call a creation of their god. Showing it in it's natural state was a crime until the late 60s. And THAT is a crime right there. We naturists celebrate the things you say your god made but you Christians want to hide them. YOU are the one who needs to quit being a hater over stupid crap. ;)

Fossils of anatomically modern humans have been dated from the Middle Paleolithic at about 200,000 years ago. Christianity has had some good point and many bad ones and is at best 2,000 ish years old. This too shall probably pass unless it overcomes it's suppression of very natural things.
Not at all. Truth and therefore Christianity will survive till the end of time.

I wish they would do that. They have endeavored to influence laws on personal matters that do not concern them Like you say, why do they care what the rest of us like when they don't practice it anyway. Book censorship was once rampant in this country - imagine that. Freedom of Speech is guaranteed in our Constitution. So you're saying that exercising our 1st Amendment rights is a sin? You are the problem. Same with portraying the human body (which Christians call a creation of their god. Showing it in it's natural state was a crime until the late 60s. And THAT is a crime right there. We naturists celebrate the things you say your god made but you Christians want to hide them. YOU are the one who needs to quit being a hater over stupid crap. ;)
Everybody tries to influence laws. And what’s a personal matter? Who gets to define that? Hmmmm? Get over it. Get over yourself and grow up!

Everybody tries to influence laws. And what’s a personal matter? Who gets to define that? Hmmmm? Get over it. Get over yourself and grow up!

When it comes to the 1st amendment, I get to define that - that's who! With a rare exception of speech that threatens ones' lives. And why do I get to do that? Because I am grown up.