Polls show GOP could lose Congress / Cruz says "we are winning"


"2014 poll: GOP could lose the House"

"A majority polled say the shutting down the government is not the proper way to fight Obama Care"

"The Republican Party could be in danger of losing control of the House in 2014, new polls on Sunday show.
In a survey of 24 seats, Republicans fall behind in 17 head-to-head matches against “generic Democrat candidates” among registered voters and lag in an additional four districts when respondents are told the Republican candidate supported the shutdown, . . ."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/2014-elections-poll-gop-house-97890.html#ixzz2gxyspwwg

"Cruz responds to Obama's criticism: 'We're winning'"

""The fact that you are seeing so many nasty partisan jabs from Democrats" and that Democrats, including Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), "have not been shy in using all sorts of ad hominem inflammatory attacks" means that Cruz's message is gaining traction, he said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."


Gowd, I hope that the GOP keeps following Teddy's advice.

What I find amusing is that, when he mentions attacks, he fails to mention that many Repubs think that he, like most Tea Baggers, are silly stupids, fuqs.

hahahahaha, just too much fun watching these guys fall apart and fail publicly all the while trying to deny it!

"2014 poll: GOP could lose the House"

"A majority polled say the shutting down the government is not the proper way to fight Obama Care"

"The Republican Party could be in danger of losing control of the House in 2014, new polls on Sunday show.
In a survey of 24 seats, Republicans fall behind in 17 head-to-head matches against “generic Democrat candidates” among registered voters and lag in an additional four districts when respondents are told the Republican candidate supported the shutdown, . . ."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/2014-elections-poll-gop-house-97890.html#ixzz2gxyspwwg

"Cruz responds to Obama's criticism: 'We're winning'"

""The fact that you are seeing so many nasty partisan jabs from Democrats" and that Democrats, including Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), "have not been shy in using all sorts of ad hominem inflammatory attacks" means that Cruz's message is gaining traction, he said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."


Gowd, I hope that the GOP keeps following Teddy's advice.

What I find amusing is that, when he mentions attacks, he fails to mention that many Repubs think that he, like most Tea Baggers, are silly stupids, fuqs.

hahahahaha, just too much fun watching these guys fall apart and fail publicly all the while trying to deny it!

I used to be a Repub until the wackos, theocrats, and tea-baggers took over. I could never be a conservative since I'm not a rascist, sexist, homophobic bigot hiding behind christianism.

I used to be a Repub until the wackos, theocrats, and tea-baggers took over. I could never be a conservative since I'm not a rascist, sexist, homophobic bigot hiding behind christianism.

I was too now I actively contribute to the craziest Tea Baggers that I can hoping to quickly drive them down to the point where they have change.

I think that this fiasco has a good chance of driving them out of the House majorities.

I was just reading an article about how the moronic GOP Govs thought that they could help sabotage Obama Care their states by refusing to implement exchanges their. This forced the Fed Govt to come in and set them up and when they did so they also put voter registration in each one. So everyone that goes there to get their healthcare insurance knowing the the GOP tried to screw them, will register to vote and then vote against them . . . . forever!

The article said that 700,000 people in Flarida will get healthcare at a Fed Govt run facility and register to vote there killing the GOP in FL.

I was too now I actively contribute to the craziest Tea Baggers that I can hoping to quickly drive them down to the point where they have change.

I think that this fiasco has a good chance of driving them out of the House majorities.

I was just reading an article about how the moronic GOP Govs thought that they could help sabotage Obama Care their states by refusing to implement exchanges their. This forced the Fed Govt to come in and set them up and when they did so they also put voter registration in each one. So everyone that goes there to get their healthcare insurance knowing the the GOP tried to screw them, will register to vote and then vote against them . . . . forever!

The article said that 700,000 people in Flarida will get healthcare at a Fed Govt run facility and register to vote there killing the GOP in FL.

I think that this explains it;

"The Republicans who swept to power in 1994 were the first House and Senate delegations that reflected the party’s new center of power in the white South. For the first time in Republican history, most of the party’s top legislative leaders came from former Confederate states , where resistance to minority and worker rights was an established tradition. Even today, this resistance remains key to the GOP’s hold on power; the voter-suppression efforts in Republican-controlled Southern states make this clear.

Since 1995, the demographic and cultural changes transforming this nation have deepened the Republicans’ marginality. The growth of Latino and Asian populations — both groups increasingly trend Democratic — has relentlessly reduced the white share of the electorate, on which Republicans have come to rely almost exclusively. The only presidential election in which the GOP nominee has won a plurality of the popular vote since then was George W. Bush’s reelection in 2004. The current Republican hold on the House is the product of the lily-white, gerrymandered districts that GOP legislators crafted after the 2010 Census; in 2012, House Democrats won nearly 1.4 million more popular votes than House Republicans.

All this leaves only two ways that Republicans can affect public policy at the national level: They can embrace minority rights (through, say, immigration reform) and accept a legitimate role for government in the nation’s economic affairs (which, polls show, millennials strongly support) — that is, they can move to the center. Or they can try to maximize the power of their minority status by trying to disrupt the nation to the point that the majority will be compelled to support Republican positions.

Rationality dictates the first choice, but rationality doesn’t hold much sway in today’s GOP. Insularity is largely to blame. Right-wing media fuel support for Republican lawmakers’ most obstructionist tendencies. And Republicans in safely GOP districts don’t have to concern themselves with voters who may blanch at their radicalism.

Is this course sustainable? Ultimately, no. Eventually, the number of millennials, voters of color and fed-up moderates will rise to the point that 218 sufficiently white and conservative House districts can no longer be crafted. How much havoc Republicans can wreak until then, however, is anybody’s guess."


I think that this explains it;

"The Republicans who swept to power in 1994 were the first House and Senate delegations that reflected the party’s new center of power in the white South. For the first time in Republican history, most of the party’s top legislative leaders came from former Confederate states , where resistance to minority and worker rights was an established tradition. Even today, this resistance remains key to the GOP’s hold on power; the voter-suppression efforts in Republican-controlled Southern states make this clear.

Since 1995, the demographic and cultural changes transforming this nation have deepened the Republicans’ marginality. The growth of Latino and Asian populations — both groups increasingly trend Democratic — has relentlessly reduced the white share of the electorate, on which Republicans have come to rely almost exclusively. The only presidential election in which the GOP nominee has won a plurality of the popular vote since then was George W. Bush’s reelection in 2004. The current Republican hold on the House is the product of the lily-white, gerrymandered districts that GOP legislators crafted after the 2010 Census; in 2012, House Democrats won nearly 1.4 million more popular votes than House Republicans.

All this leaves only two ways that Republicans can affect public policy at the national level: They can embrace minority rights (through, say, immigration reform) and accept a legitimate role for government in the nation’s economic affairs (which, polls show, millennials strongly support) — that is, they can move to the center. Or they can try to maximize the power of their minority status by trying to disrupt the nation to the point that the majority will be compelled to support Republican positions.

Rationality dictates the first choice, but rationality doesn’t hold much sway in today’s GOP. Insularity is largely to blame. Right-wing media fuel support for Republican lawmakers’ most obstructionist tendencies. And Republicans in safely GOP districts don’t have to concern themselves with voters who may blanch at their radicalism.

Is this course sustainable? Ultimately, no. Eventually, the number of millennials, voters of color and fed-up moderates will rise to the point that 218 sufficiently white and conservative House districts can no longer be crafted. How much havoc Republicans can wreak until then, however, is anybody’s guess."


It began though in the 70's with Nixon's famous "Southern Strategy" where he openly confessed to courting the Soutern White Democratic vote due to its opposition to Civil Rights Laws.

The posting of the obvious Tea Bagger here is dripping with racism.

He opposes Obama Care that would bring Health Care Insurace to everyone while happily sucking the govt teat when it comes to his, and other mostly white Americans benefits of subsidized employer provided health care insurance.

This is out and out racism and hypocracy.

It began though in the 70's with Nixon's famous "Southern Strategy" where he openly confessed to courting the Soutern White Democratic vote due to its opposition to Civil Rights Laws.

The posting of the obvious Tea Bagger here is dripping with racism.

He opposes Obama Care that would bring Health Care Insurace to everyone while happily sucking the govt teat when it comes to his, and other mostly white Americans benefits of subsidized employer provided health care insurance.

This is out and out racism and hypocracy.

I can't believe you morons think "Obama Care that would bring Health Care Insurace to everyone"


I can't believe you morons think "Obama Care that would bring Health Care Insurace to everyone"


"While Gibbs is right that many people will not have insurance after the law is implemented, his statement fails to acknowledge that it will enable millions of people to get insurance. We rule his statement Mostly True."

And everyone of those people will vote Dem forever and flush you morons down the political toilet.

"While Gibbs is right that many people will not have insurance after the law is implemented, his statement fails to acknowledge that it will enable millions of people to get insurance. We rule his statement Mostly True."

And everyone of those people will vote Dem forever and flush you morons down the political toilet.

They rule his statement mostly true, which is 30 million will remain uninsured. While your claim of EVERYBODY WILL HAVE INSURANCE is FLATOUT WRONG! Welcome to reality moron.

They rule his statement mostly true, which is 30 million will remain uninsured. While your claim of EVERYBODY WILL HAVE INSURANCE is FLATOUT WRONG! Welcome to reality moron.

The reality that matters that everyone who gets healtcare will vote your fucking ideas down the toilet. And they will be getting the same subsidies that your and your hypocritical Tea Bagger budines get on yours.


The reality that matters that everyone who gets healtcare will vote your fucking ideas down the toilet. And they will be getting the same subsidies that your and your hypocritical Tea Bagger budines get on yours.


And as soon as these new voters sweep you out of office we can take your subsidies from you and give them to the other 30 million who needs healthcare.

you are "gone, gone, gone . . . . . "

And as soon as these new voters sweep you out of office we can take your subsidies from you and give them to the other 30 million who needs healthcare.

you are "gone, gone, gone . . . . . "

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.

Congrats libs.

The republicans are already losing in the polls and Cruz is leading the GOP to slaughter in the next election. Boehner can end this fiasco with going ahead with the Clean Vote. The far right members of Tea Party have hijacked the GOP and it isn't going to lose it's grip anytime soon.

Do you believe in The Constitution? Does it have any relevance at all in your mind? The Tea Party wants to return America to a Constitutional Republic. They want to decrease the size and scope of the federal leviathan that has long ago ditched the idea of being restrained by The Constitution. They want to reduce this unprecedented $17trillion debt. They want to start to return to more individual freedom and less socialism. How can any of these concepts be understood as being "radical" or "far right"? These concepts and principles have been fundamental since America's founding.

America became the greatest country in the history of the world, in the shortest amount of time, not because of government programs like Obamacare, but because of individual freedom. Nobody cares more about you and your dreams, your health, your aspirations etc., than you. Nobody will spend your money more wisely than you. These are American ideals, not "far right". They work and they are what the Tea-party stand for.

"Keep your hands off of my Medicai".

You "conservtives" already figured that out. You just want to keep it all to yhourselves.

Yep... They want to keep the money they have earned, because they realize that money is a representation of the time and work they did. To take somebody's hard-earned money is to take away a part of their life. When you take my money and give it to someone else, it is a form of servitude. Everyone agrees, that if I work and government took 100% of my money! that would essentially be slavery. Government takes about half of what I make now, so they have made me half of a slave. This is unacceptable. If I spend my limited life working, I should receive the fruits of my labor... It should not be transferred to someone else who did NOT earn it. Pretty basic and fundamental principles of America.

It doesn't matter which party is in power. I was a republican but shifted to independent.

This country is in a steady decline. Our glory days are over. With massive debt, an ignorant population fixated on Honey Boo Boo and professional sports, and divisive politics on a level we have neve seen, get out the popcorn as we all watch this 250 year old experiment fall like Rome.

It doesn't matter which party is in power. I was a republican but shifted to independent.

This country is in a steady decline. Our glory days are over. With massive debt, an ignorant population fixated on Honey Boo Boo and professional sports, and divisive politics on a level we have neve seen, get out the popcorn as we all watch this 250 year old experiment fall like Rome.

Glory days might be over and you may want to be an observer, but don't decry and lament that politics are the most divisive ever when some people are actually trying to fight to overcome and save the most successful experiment in human history.