Oh gosh, how to choose? With their tough territories it is so hard to choose!
Rank report is a big farce anyway
Nope. He has been at the top from launch, and still is. You just suck and can't grow your territory.
Both deserve to still be ranked well, but rank report is not accurate because of gifted accounts to certain reps. Shall we call them out?
Can't have it both ways sweetheart. CH did well at the beginning, and is still doing well. If you were better at selling, you could be in the same position.
I am not even the OP, but when I read this I had to respond. Let's get real here, some reps get very lucky and have great territories right of the bat. It has nothing to do with skill and we all know it. Go try and cram those comments down someone that is more naive.
You mean like upper management who divie up the territories to "team players"? This company is shit, glad I finally left.
Can't have it both ways sweetheart. CH did well at the beginning, and is still doing well. If you were better at selling, you could be in the same position.
Sweetheart? You're disgusting.
CH did well and is still doing well--no problem. He's doing well without being given gifted accounts.
For the millionth time, the problem with the ranking report is those reps that were given free accounts. Try to wrap you're head around it.
Don't be so emotional pussycat.
Don't be such a douche bag, asshole
Wow! Are you one of the kings?
I don't know. What do you think Toots?