Poll, we want cuts, just don't cut ours



That means the public is satisfied with the size of govt, so the issue then becomes in how do we increase revenue.

It can be done in several ways:

Close loopholes

Expand tax base

Increase taxes.

Wish someone would have asked follow up questions on how to achieve that.

Oh wait....someone did....

Sixty-one percent of Americans polled would rather see taxes for the wealthy increased as a first step to tackling the deficit, the poll showed.

The next most popular way -- chosen by 20 percent -- was to cut defense spending.

Four percent would cut the Medicare government health insurance program for the elderly, and 3 percent would cut the Social Security retirement program, the poll showed.​


the only people that don't want everything cut are the people sucking from the gov. tit already. end the entitlements and reign in defense spending, reduce the # of gov. workers. at a local level pensions and benefits for city and state workers are killing the states. secure the border. attack these issues and a balance budget will come. I am all for paying higher taxes, if needed. I want to see drastic spending cuts and if a raise in taxes are still needed so be it.

the only people that don't want everything cut are the people sucking from the gov. tit already. end the entitlements and reign in defense spending, reduce the # of gov. workers. at a local level pensions and benefits for city and state workers are killing the states. secure the border. attack these issues and a balance budget will come. I am all for paying higher taxes, if needed. I want to see drastic spending cuts and if a raise in taxes are still needed so be it.

where would u cut?

where would u cut?

Ummm dude think I've been pretty clear here. Bring troops home with a small operation running drones in pakistan and afghanistan. Iraq should be done now so bring everyone home. Cut jobs at the gov. level...municipal, state, federal. While I would like to see a repeal of the healthcare law that is currently not realistic. Replace the current gov. ran model with allowing ins. to be purchased across state lines, set up state ran pools for those with pre-existing conditions that they can buy ins. through, allow for the set up of medical savings accounts. (as time goes on and this acct. is passed through each generation it could potentially end the need for anything but catostrophic ins. for all). Create an opt-out or phase out of SS. It is your money invest it how you want. Reform current medicaid eligibility for those not based in income requirements but on need requirements.....dev. disability, genetic defects at birth. Secure the border....now. Simplify the tax code....go to a flat tax approach with no deductions, credits, etc. There is also an argument for eliminating the dept of education, states were putting up better statistical numbers when they were running it themselves. I would also like to see an across the board cut of roughly 10%...however, much of this may be achieved with some of the cuts mentioned above. Medicare, raise the eligibility age. Let me be clear though. The changes to SS and Medicare would be phased in, anyone currently on or within a certain age range...say 10 years of collecting would have ZERO changes to their current system and would receive COLA increases as usual. Those that have paid in would receive their money paid in back on an annual basis or some other approach to repay what individuals have put in. This is the start however, I would be open to all spending cuts, freezes, and personnel cuts.