Political Bullshit


Who’s the idiot who brought that topic to our town hall?
Thank you Victor for not taking the bait.
Thank you Vickie for reminding these fools to treat people with respect and leave the political differences outside.
Stupid question, well handled.

Who’s the idiot who brought that topic to our town hall?
Thank you Victor for not taking the bait.
Thank you Vickie for reminding these fools to treat people with respect and leave the political differences outside.
Stupid question, well handled.
For those of us who were "attending", can you share what the question was and who asked it?
BTW, I find it next to impossible that Victor handled anything well.

For those of us who were "attending", can you share what the question was and who asked it?
BTW, I find it next to impossible that Victor handled anything well.
A loose association between the election and Novartis. Something like, in light of this dangerous election, if Project 25 goes into effect, how will Novartis protect their minority employees rights?

Protect minority employee rights.
At will employment. Novartis will kick you through the uprights at a time of their choosing.
Yeah I'm guessing the C.V. I.S.S. reps who lost their jobs this week weren't identified by political affiliation.
Their number on a spreadsheet turned from blue to red, but it had nothing to do with who they're voting for.
The split second you're deemed an economic liability, you are out on your ass.
I think a lot more of us will be finding that out shortly.

Yeah I'm guessing the C.V. I.S.S. reps who lost their jobs this week weren't identified by political affiliation.
Their number on a spreadsheet turned from blue to red, but it had nothing to do with who they're voting for.
The split second you're deemed an economic liability, you are out on your ass.
I think a lot more of us will be finding that out shortly.
stop it sister, go choke on the cotto salami

The worst thing these companies did was accept money from the government and be forced to shove DEI down our throats.
Who, specifically, are you referring to?
Duane K, the architect of the FTO debacle that destroyed Leqvio?
Jeff and Sandeep, his useful idiots?
Leqvio training, who didn't bother to teach buy and bill?
See, the truly dangerous incompetence, the ineptitude that sank a $9B product, was implemented by a bunch of middle-aged white men.

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