You are relentless. Nobody gives a shiz about pn. He sucked at dianon and labcorp and hospitals and now he's history. Whatever axe you have to grind is your own issue. Seek help, seek therapy. It's just a job and there are thousands more pn's no matter where you work. move on, stop fishing and starting numerous pn threads. You'll be better for it.

KS lived with the boss then,TH, and he let her do whatever she wanted at PSI before merge with Strata the had to keep her he was TH's squeeze. KS only high school really... but big balls. She repays TH by doing PN in front of him...TH devastated and lost control...had to move to another site.

KS was TH live in "friend" TH approaching 70...PN looks alot better than that. TH let her do what she wanted as he continued to promote her. Her Prior jobs, Wendy's and a garage that checked emmisions. She went from office clerk to COO in 1o short years.

This info is pretty in depth- you must be close to the situation to know all these details-

I wonder who this is up at 11pm writing his stuff?

Reveal yourself- like the BO administration- transparency!!

it's common knowledge. Strata in it's present form is barely 4 yrs old it was built on the remnants of Proppe and Harrist's old lab PSI. Check out the spin on KS profile on Strata website...she "majored " in business not graduated and Regis is for anyone no requirements to get in just $$$. Like Heald College, Kaplan etc. Everyone is afraid of her...TH was in charge when she was with him, now it's PN so she's with him. She does HR not COO things but she's paid like a COO and comes and goes or as she puts it.."works from home" like a COO.

you're in the right neighbor hood. If Zukerman wasn't so paranoid of litigation we could "clean house". It's not a good situation too much time devoted to keeping a lid on things and mitigating personal problems no time to get on track and do what we should be doing. I don't see it getting better with the current team.

I found this site last night that really shocks me and how far out of hand this has gotten.

"Found it" last night, huh? Don't you mean ''wrote it last night''? While it claims to have info from August, the domain was just created on Monday. From the whois record:

Domain ID:D48358956-LRMS
Created On:12-Nov-2012 22:40:04 UTC
Expiration Date:12-Nov-2013 22:40:04 UTC


For my next trick, want to see me crack your Wordpress and change the faked dates back to the real dates?