

Please, please let me just do my job! Stop micromanaging every minute of my day! I know where my business is coming from and no matter who you think are my "Top 30", don't you think that, given the choice, I will be calling on the accounts where I KNOW I can move the business???? You said you heard us and will let us manage our business....JUST DO IT!

Please, please let me just do my job! Stop micromanaging every minute of my day! I know where my business is coming from and no matter who you think are my "Top 30", don't you think that, given the choice, I will be calling on the accounts where I KNOW I can move the business???? You said you heard us and will let us manage our business....JUST DO IT!

It will never happen. It will never change just do what everyone else is doing. Double dip and start looking.