
PLEASE come sit on the winning side, finally someone has been beaten, battered, and bruised by the Labcorp system and attorneys, but she survived and justice is about to be served, and they are about to be exposed because of her strength. Trial will be June 3-7 from 9am to 5pm, in an OPEN COURT session in ORLANDO FLORIDA, so everyone is welcome. It is a public hearing, so please come any witnesses Labcorp employees that have ever been mistreated by Labcorp or Labcorp management and show support to her as one of your own was not to afraid to fight them and prove that justice can prevail. She will show the public how Labcorp treats people!!!

Genoptix pulled AQUA test for HER2 due to block processing issues and test validity. Corporate knew about it in 2012 but continued to push testing. The new strategy will be to blame the hospitals processing protocol. An f' you to an unethical company.

Don't be shy, post , share and please show up to support her! She is fighting for you! A surprise twist is coming, just wait for it :) old LC employee that is not afraid of them and supports her is gonna pop in and help :) support her please like that person will!!!!

Did a current employee sue them? That has to be the funniest thing I've ever heard!
Talk about a career ending move. Good for them to have the balls!

Who is suing them and for what?

Looks like some lady in Florida who was sexually harassed by a former LC manager TN and the behavior was allowed and when she tuned him in, well..... HR and local Mgmt promoted him and did nothing! What a Mess!
Looks like the trial is next week!!

You would think that if this is such a high profile case that there would have been some type of feedback from anyone that sat in and listened today. Fact of the matter is, this case has no merit what so ever and anyone that MAY have attended today, which is doubtful, in the public, could have posted but they did not. So take your blog and run with it. It's all BS and money not worth spent.

You would think that if this is such a high profile case that there would have been some type of feedback from anyone that sat in and listened today. Fact of the matter is, this case has no merit what so ever and anyone that MAY have attended today, which is doubtful, in the public, could have posted but they did not. So take your blog and run with it. It's all BS and money not worth spent.

First day in any court proceeding is picking a jury, idiot...

MW roughed up the giant.... scared the sh*t of them, and they settled for an undisclosed amount because they were afraid of the jury that believed her. Not to mention, over the last 4 years, an entire team of attorneys, costing close to a million dollars in legal fees failed to destroy her. She has gone to trial, lasted longer than any other employee, and won. God bless you young lady.

So is it over? ....did she settled?....did LCA pay?.....not enough to avenge all the people lives that LCA has destroyed over the years. I wish her well. Hope she got enough $ out of it since she is pretty much unemployable now.