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Please stop Buy Back and Pay Your Employees Well


When is Amgen going to start paying us what we deserve. We are not competitive any more. Many people leaving every week. There is no retention or growing opportunitites. Not the best place to retain talent. We keep wasting $$$$ in Buy Back so few can make a lot of money while the rest of us get 1-2 % increase if any with inflation at 5% or higher.


Dude don’t expect much from this year compensation package. The tool opened and there is very little for everyone. Now is the time to get a new job after March making 15-20% than what we are paying you here at Amgen.

Shit, we are jus going to spend another 6 Billions in Buy Back. According to my Math, we can split all of that money between the whole Amgen work force of 22,000 people and each one would get 272K in one year. Or they can get an additional 27K every year for 10 years. Common Bob, do something good for the people that are getting things done every year so you can take 20 MM plus every year. Doing something like that might open the doors for you in Heaven, think about it

Shit, we are jus going to spend another 6 Billions in Buy Back. According to my Math, we can split all of that money between the whole Amgen work force of 22,000 people and each one would get 272K in one year. Or they can get an additional 27K every year for 10 years. Common Bob, do something good for the people that are getting things done every year so you can take 20 MM plus every year. Doing something like that might open the doors for you in Heaven, think about it

Is this you AOC? Is this you Elizabeth Warren? Nancy Pelosi? Bernie Sanders the man who never had a real job

Shit, we are jus going to spend another 6 Billions in Buy Back. According to my Math, we can split all of that money between the whole Amgen work force of 22,000 people and each one would get 272K in one year. Or they can get an additional 27K every year for 10 years. Common Bob, do something good for the people that are getting things done every year so you can take 20 MM plus every year. Doing something like that might open the doors for you in Heaven, think about it

The vast majority of Bob’s comp is equity. Buy backs drive the stock price up and he gets rich. He and the other execs don’t care about staff, they care about themselves. They pretend they’re woke, but they’re greedy capitalists at heart. You should know this by now.

The vast majority of Bob’s comp is equity. Buy backs drive the stock price up and he gets rich. He and the other execs don’t care about staff, they care about themselves. They pretend they’re woke, but they’re greedy capitalists at heart. You should know this by now.

A lot of talent has fled for better pastures. The Amgen strategy is to hire more fresh grads, seems to be working well.

Amgen has a duty to the shareholders. The workers need to get paid just enough to keep turnover at a manageable level. All decisions are made to maximize shareholder value. Simple as that.

Amgen has a duty to the shareholders. The workers need to get paid just enough to keep turnover at a manageable level. All decisions are made to maximize shareholder value. Simple as that.
Don’t you think the shareholder are better serve if the employees are happy and turn over minimized in a high tech enviroment. After all, i have not seen that much growth from Buy Back. Do the math and check out the stock growth vs how much buy back we have invest so far. Not sure the return of investment is there at all.