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Please someone Explain !


Please someone explain ! Goals readjusted ICR comes out 13% lower then trending on RAPID even WITH the adjustment ? PAI process ? It’s all messed up and don’t even get me started on IC3 trends for everyone ! What is going on ? I just can’t anymore. As much as I appreciate the “me day” & the extra days at 4th of July ... thank you ... but if you want to “fix or change” the culture it’s not that stuff ... fix the systems !


Please someone explain ! Goals readjusted ICR comes out 13% lower then trending on RAPID even WITH the adjustment ? PAI process ? It’s all messed up and don’t even get me started on IC3 trends for everyone ! What is going on ? I just can’t anymore. As much as I appreciate the “me day” & the extra days at 4th of July ... thank you ... but if you want to “fix or change” the culture it’s not that stuff ... fix the systems !

We're all thinking the same thing. I received massive kudos, BRAVO for my performance Jan-April. The ICR comes out and it's at least 10% lower every month. Just s joke.

Mike Exton, this is pathetic.

Looking for a new job.

We're all thinking the same thing. I received massive kudos, BRAVO for my performance Jan-April. The ICR comes out and it's at least 10% lower every month. Just s joke.

Mike Exton, this is pathetic.

Looking for a new job.

Mike Ex doesn't even know how the bonuses are paid out that in itself is pretty pathetic ! The rumor is that he is very unhappy at Novartis maybe he will make an exit sometime soon. You Are Not Alone many of us are applying for other jobs even those of us that won the trip. Novartis does not value their people at all. . We have no new indications & they want a billion this year and they raised the goals up so high that even the most successful reps are going to have a hard time reaching those goals. This is not how you reward good behavior and achievement ,they are chasing excellent employees away to other companies. We got Dumb and Dumber heading up our CV division.

She ? And it’s everyone “she’s” got dazed and confused not just tenured reps!

I’m not 19 years came on at launch and never seen a company as dysfunctional as this one ... management is a revolving door. Most of us have years experience with many companies and it’s like rep 101. I did not expect this . I may not be 19 years but I’m
Not stupid either . Nothing adds up, excuses and “talking points”
Straight from a handbook of “how to answer incentive and numbers questions. It’s nuts !

Novartis being really dysfunctional is not news for most of us. Stay a little longer and you'll see things that dont happen anywhere else. It's common and pretty much universal to treat the sales reps, that generate the sales btw, like trash. The company is run very poorly from the very top which is why you have the fed govt issue high fines and cias so often. Run away quickly!

Think it is bad now. Wait to they have to pay for the Oswald Bilotta Whistleblower blower case out of the southern district of New York. Quotas are going to have to get significantly higher to pay for the billion or so dollar fine that they are going to have to fork over.

I’m not 19 years came on at launch and never seen a company as dysfunctional as this one ... management is a revolving door. Most of us have years experience with many companies and it’s like rep 101. I did not expect this . I may not be 19 years but I’m
Not stupid either . Nothing adds up, excuses and “talking points”
Straight from a handbook of “how to answer incentive and numbers questions. It’s nuts !
The entire org is the same now. Used to be very good. Idiots and hardworking, stupid and smart all survived pretty well here. Everyone was adjusted according to their contributions and available positions. Now it is plain vicious. Vicious like “I will make sure you are not only destroyed but you will never recover and I don’t care if you worked Your *** off. Vile, inexperienced and sadistic have taken over the company and are living in a weed world (hallucinating).

Think it is bad now. Wait to they have to pay for the Oswald Bilotta Whistleblower blower case out of the southern district of New York. Quotas are going to have to get significantly higher to pay for the billion or so dollar fine that they are going to have to fork over.
What happened with this case?

April IC Scorecards coming today/tomorrow. Already heard from my ABL....8% different than RAPID. Thought I was 104%; scorecard says 96%. Unbelievable

Huge difference in amount paid out . That was mine last trimester . This one I still managed to be paid at 100% but same ... trended all trimester at 102-112 ‍♀️ . It’s disgusting but hey go out and sell one drug with the same message (maybe a little tweaking ) same data ... and hit your goal that goes up by 25% ... the other issue is even though V&b “are not reflective of your sales” the are ! So for you at 104 vs 96 ... the amount they “withhold “ will come back to bite again as you will be paid 96 not 100% of that amount ! Hey stay motivated !

April IC Scorecards coming today/tomorrow. Already heard from my ABL....8% different than RAPID. Thought I was 104%; scorecard says 96%. Unbelievable
I think we all got screwed over on the bonus payout. I heard these dumbasses in a third world country calculated the IC scorecards based on the goals before they were lowered. Novartis is too Proud to admit it so they'd rather f*** us over and not pay us what we earned.
Who else got screwed on their bonus did the percentage add up to what the goals were lowered to or were they off even more ?

Huge difference in amount paid out . That was mine last trimester . This one I still managed to be paid at 100% but same ... trended all trimester at 102-112 ‍♀️ . It’s disgusting but hey go out and sell one drug with the same message (maybe a little tweaking ) same data ... and hit your goal that goes up by 25% ... the other issue is even though V&b “are not reflective of your sales” the are ! So for you at 104 vs 96 ... the amount they “withhold “ will come back to bite again as you will be paid 96 not 100% of that amount ! Hey stay motivated !
It is wrong they are not paying us what we earned so they can show a bigger profit to their shareholders I think this has to be illegal not to mention wrong. Nobody in this company seems to care at all! their attitude is if you don't like it leave. The CV division does their sales people we are all disposable and that is very clear in their actions.

I think we all got screwed over on the bonus payout. I heard these dumbasses in a third world country calculated the IC scorecards based on the goals before they were lowered. Novartis is too Proud to admit it so they'd rather f*** us over and not pay us what we earned.
Who else got screwed on their bonus did the percentage add up to what the goals were lowered to or were they off even more ?

I think we all got screwed over on the bonus payout. I heard these dumbasses in a third world country calculated the IC scorecards based on the goals before they were lowered. Novartis is too Proud to admit it so they'd rather f*** us over and not pay us what we earned.
Who else got screwed on their bonus did the percentage add up to what the goals were lowered to or were they off even more ?

I got paid out 7% lower then what the Rapid projected. I wonder if they did forget to adjust the goals downward, because my payout was exactly what the Rapid projected before they supposedly adjusted the goals. This is ridiculous. Now this trimester the goals are jacked up so high, not. Many are going to make much money. Many people jumping ship.