
Tom Leonard...this is a plea to you to please please rid this company of the joke Patrick Sinclair before it's too late. It might be the point of no return for this company, but he's a liar, knows nothing about healthcare, and tells the customer anything they want to hear w/o any knowledge as to weather or not UHS can deliver. HE DOESN'T GET IT!! There's no sales strategy by him or our VP of sales in the East and Central, just pushing paper as they were hand picked by Patrick so he could surround himself with incompetent people who won't question and obvious may know less than him about what we do. Hard to believe but true. You've also got these guys bullied by Ops (Mele another very very busy idiot) who's running all over Mike and jay. We are so internally focused on this stupid CX project we've totally lost focus on doing what's right by the customer. You want to know what our customers think of us just ask our OMD's, AE's, and front line folks. PLEASE please make the necessary changes prior to your July and September meetings....or we will soon lose faith in you!!!

This is Tom - Thank you for your note. I've been visiting Cafepharma for some time now and find it to be my go-to site to get the real pulse of the company and UHSers.
As of Monday morning, I will be asking for Patrick's resignation - and bringing back Matt Smith to run the show.
Thanks again for your input!

This is Tom - Thank you for your note. I've been visiting Cafepharma for some time now and find it to be my go-to site to get the real pulse of the company and UHSers.
As of Monday morning, I will be asking for Patrick's resignation - and bringing back Matt Smith to run the show.
Thanks again for your input!

That is funny right there.

I agree, PS is a con man. He was brought here due to his previous experience. He was supposed to have deep insight into healthcare and how the ACA was going to change healthcare. That experience, whatever it may have been, has done nothing to help UHS navigate the changes. Additionally, he was supposed to have vital relationships with IDN's and GPO's. Relationships he allegedly cultivated at his previous company. How has he leveraged those relationships? HPG was supposed to be one of the strongest. Yeah that did not turn out well. He should suffer the same fate as MF. Given the premise of his hiring, he is at least equally at fault. His days are obviously numbered. At least he can hang his hat on the analytics "collateral". He obviously is a good sales person. Only a very good one would be able to fail so miserably and still have a job while others fall around him.

This guy has no insight at all regarding healthcare. I was with him having a discussion with a customer and he didn't know what a decubitus ulcer was. Patrick is a liar, a coward, and an overall insecure person. It is true that he surrounded himself with scared little yes men such as Jay and Mike. However, I am not sure that getting rid of any of these idiots will solve anything. UHS suffers from institutional arrogance by its success over the years. The company business model is too complex and nebulous without a core foundation for sustainability. Mc Donald's will occasionally sell the Mc Rib but does not forget that it is built a reputation selling Big Macs. What in the hell does UHS sell well? The intellectual capital of this company is horrendous. Poor leaders are indicative of poor execution at all levels.

I have read these and laughed until tears...
Yes things are really a mess here...and I would not recommend UHS at all right now until they can figure out who they want for leadership..