Please, Palin, announce you are a candidate

Republicans have prestige to burn. We've got a great field, any one of which would be better than Obama.

If Palin doesn't run, that's no big deal. Her ideological twin, Bachman is and she can beat Obama. Be afraid little Dims, be very afraid. And you are. All of your false bravado and ignoring the polls is to no effect.

Republicans have prestige to burn. We've got a great field, any one of which would be better than Obama.

If Palin doesn't run, that's no big deal. Her ideological twin, Bachman is and she can beat Obama. Be afraid little Dims, be very afraid. And you are. All of your false bravado and ignoring the polls is to no effect.

Democrats are afraid by definition. The purpose of the entire socialist agenda of the lefties is based on the premise that human beings are incapable of taking care of themselves.

Republicans have prestige to burn. We've got a great field, any one of which would be better than Obama.

If Palin doesn't run, that's no big deal. Her ideological twin, Bachman is and she can beat Obama. Be afraid little Dims, be very afraid. And you are. All of your false bravado and ignoring the polls is to no effect.

Perhaps the funniest and most delusional post I have read here on the Poli Board in quite some time.


Democrats are afraid by definition. The purpose of the entire socialist agenda of the lefties is based on the premise that human beings are incapable of taking care of themselves.

Like Rocknwolf I to said the same thing about BU$H. What I did not realize was how uninformed the American voter was and still is. Rock, if Palin was to run She just might get elected. We do not need another BU$H.

Like Rocknwolf I to said the same thing about BU$H. What I did not realize was how uninformed the American voter was and still is. Rock, if Palin was to run She just might get elected. We do not need another BU$H.

OBlahBlah can be beat by my granddaughter's hamster.
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Like Rocknwolf I to said the same thing about BU$H. What I did not realize was how uninformed the American voter was and still is. Rock, if Palin was to run She just might get elected. We do not need another BU$H.

Of course you remember that Bush was "appointed" by the supreme court, thanks in large part by the corruption and incompetence of Katherine Harris in Fla. and the equally bad Ken "the crook" Blackwell in Ohio.
Funny how this conspiracy was overlooked, and these two nimrods are out of the spotlight and largely forgotten

Of course you remember that Bush was "appointed" by the supreme court, thanks in large part by the corruption and incompetence of Katherine Harris in Fla. and the equally bad Ken "the crook" Blackwell in Ohio.
Funny how this conspiracy was overlooked, and these two nimrods are out of the spotlight and largely forgotten

This? Really? It's 11 years ago. Most of the shit about Barry not being born here has died down. You probably think that Cheney personally set the charges at the WTC too. You ain' helpin your cred here Mojo.