Please listen to me


i am 44 and live in NYC. Make about 180k in my pharma job but Its not a lot because the city is expensive . It's the lamest job ever now. I have trouble even ordering lunch. I dread this job.

I may quit or look for another pharma job that I like. I'm not happy selling what I sell.

I'm also thinking of moving out of the city and starting a small business.

At 44 jobs are becoming scarce in sales, especially pharma. I'm worried. I think I made a bad career choice. No way I can do this job until I'm 65. Imagine a 65 year old rep delivering cookies to the office girls. This is sad.


the greed and arrogance of management at all levels has ruined this industry. If you are lucky enough to have one of the FEW mangers out there that actually have some leadership qualities - you are ok. can u relocate? Working at the home office of one this evil monster might be better.

OP, then how about you QUIT and go work an all commissioned sales job then? Seriously, the whining on this board is unbelievable.

You make almost $200,000 a year and all you do is deliver cookies, and you are WHINING about that? Tell you what, how about we switch jobs?

Starting this Monday, you take over my job, which is a real sales job with your compensation based primarily on commission performance. I make about $70k a year. And I'll take your cookie delivery pharma job that you are "so stressed about" that pays you $200k a year.

Deal? Let me know, we can arrange this in private and get this transition completed next week so I can start that $200k a year cookie delivery pharma job in September and you can take over my job that pays $70k a year but has REAL STRESS involved. And when I say REAL STRESS I'm talking about mental health damaging stress.

OP, then how about you QUIT and go work an all commissioned sales job then? Seriously, the whining on this board is unbelievable.

You make almost $200,000 a year and all you do is deliver cookies, and you are WHINING about that? Tell you what, how about we switch jobs?

Starting this Monday, you take over my job, which is a real sales job with your compensation based primarily on commission performance. I make about $70k a year. And I'll take your cookie delivery pharma job that you are "so stressed about" that pays you $200k a year.

Deal? Let me know, we can arrange this in private and get this transition completed next week so I can start that $200k a year cookie delivery pharma job in September and you can take over my job that pays $70k a year but has REAL STRESS involved. And when I say REAL STRESS I'm talking about mental health damaging stress.

Pot meet kettle.

OP, then how about you QUIT and go work an all commissioned sales job then? Seriously, the whining on this board is unbelievable.

You make almost $200,000 a year and all you do is deliver cookies, and you are WHINING about that? Tell you what, how about we switch jobs?

Starting this Monday, you take over my job, which is a real sales job with your compensation based primarily on commission performance. I make about $70k a year. And I'll take your cookie delivery pharma job that you are "so stressed about" that pays you $200k a year.

Deal? Let me know, we can arrange this in private and get this transition completed next week so I can start that $200k a year cookie delivery pharma job in September and you can take over my job that pays $70k a year but has REAL STRESS involved. And when I say REAL STRESS I'm talking about mental health damaging stress.

Hey OP, you WHINER, where are you? I'm waiting for you to respond to my proposition of switching jobs, you WHINER. All you pieces of trash on Cafe Pharma do is whine about your "golden-handcuff" donut delivery position. Give me your "golden handcuffed" position and come work a real sales position, then see how you like it, you piece of trash WHINERS.

Ignore the troll. He's jumped boards. Ummm Moderators can you escort creepy guy back to his hole please???

Hey OP, you WHINER, where are you? I'm waiting for you to respond to my proposition of switching jobs, you WHINER. All you pieces of trash on Cafe Pharma do is whine about your "golden-handcuff" donut delivery position. Give me your "golden handcuffed" position and come work a real sales position, then see how you like it, you piece of trash WHINERS.

I am at HQ in pharma. GET OUT OF SALES no matter how much you are paid. It is a dead end degrading job. It IS great to start and have experience but the rest is bad if you stay in it. You need to find transferable competencies and go elsewhere!