
I wouldn't stay here on a bet. I hate the toxicity of this place. Leadership is the worst in the industry. Just a bad bad place to work. You can't put lipstick on this pig. Honestly, the worst company II have ever worked for. Ever. I'm almost 2 decades in the industry and this is one sick company. Nasty nasty company that doesn't give 2 shits about any employee. Those that are tempted by the money and interviewing to come back? Stupid ass move and you are doing it for all the wrong reasons. You should take your severance and run but just blinded by the money. The fact that you got laid off should be your clue that don't give a shit about you.

Why is their no accountability?

Accountability? Like from Deb? No way. This trashy company is literally in the gutter. Worst reputation in the industry now. Very sad.

You basically have to look at your happiness. I agree with the other posts. I get sick thinking about working one more day here. Those that got packages are the lucky ones so far. Believe me. Nothing is more important than your mental health. Definitely not healthy here and no money in the world is worth it. Leadership and all their strategies are absolutely disgusting. Trying my best to exit as soon as possible.

Accountability? Like from Deb? No way. This trashy company is literally in the gutter. Worst reputation in the industry now. Very sad.

You basically have to look at your happiness. I agree with the other posts. I get sick thinking about working one more day here. Those that got packages are the lucky ones so far. Believe me. Nothing is more important than your mental health. Definitely not healthy here and no money in the world is worth it. Leadership and all their strategies are absolutely disgusting. Trying my best to exit as soon as possible.
She needs to go now!