Please help.


I am so freaking out! Are we going to get layed off? I am in Women's Helath and we have GREAT products but with the company restructuring everything is uncertain, should I start looking? There aren't a lot lot of jobs out there that someone with my skillset will be willing to perform. I thought this was going to be my career and now the uncertanty. What should I do?

I think that is the question on everyone's mind right now. Honestly, I think it will be mostly the managers and sales directors displaced - I say displaced because it looks like they will have other opportunities if they are willing to take a pay decrease.

As far as what we should do? I have no clue. At this point, I am just trying to ride it out and see where I end up before deciding to jump ship. The job market sucks everywhere!

This is a tough question to answer. For me I have been applying for jobs and have an interview lined up. Hopefully I will have some options of taking a new position or sticking around if the news that comes in looks appealing.

I personally would be interviewing with other companies if I were you right now just in case. Just incase you do get displaced, you will have another job lined up. There are alot of decent jobs out there, but the problem is the geography is much bigger than with Ethicon. At the end of the day, this job is only a $130k job. Gone are the days of making much more than that. Good luck!