Please Help Us Japan!

Our morale is down:

Because we "love' to have our "beloved" primary care DMs, RSDs and VP with zero oncology experience to tell us what to do in oncology.

Because we "'love" that our bonus is keep shrinking.


Our morale is down:

Because we "love' to have our "beloved" primary care DMs, RSDs and VP with zero oncology experience to tell us what to do in oncology.

Because we "'love" that our bonus is keep shrinking.


so you think your bonus is an entitlement even if the brands are performing poorly?

Hey OB,

The brand was just wroking fine before your "Primary Care" solution was imported to Oncology. You are a joke to us. Nobody respects you here. Are you gonna send us another of your dumb voicemail today?!

OB ruined this place. First he messed up the primary care and now he is doing the same in oncology. It is really sad the way Eisai is going down the tube. I hope Japanese realize soon that OB is a part of the problem and take action.

You ALL have a chance to tell Japan face to face yourselves at the POA where Mr. Naito and his Japanese contingency will be present and available. Seize the day and the opportunity.

This palce is a mess. No leadership, no direction, no vision, and lies and lies and broken promises. Our Morale is at the all time low. We need a shake up here. The problem is not the reps; the problem is the leadership.

Fire the current leadership and start fresh.

ok. what would that cost them? how would they implement firing all of the current leadership and replacing them with qualified competent managers? further, what competent qualifed manager in their right mind would want to work for this sinking ship? good idea but not really a viable option.