So I am so sick of waiting see what is going to happen. If you are going to lay is off, just get it over with. And please call it what it is...a RIF.
Yay! No more being asked to wait for a surgeon to arrive at 5:30 am to greet him/her at their car or wait for them to walk to their car after they leave the surgery center. Do you really think a surgeon wants to be stalked?!?! I doubt you'd do this "Mr. Manager."
Tomorrow can't come quick enough :/
Maybe everyone in the Western Region should camp out in front of CK's house and see if he is working at 5:30 a.m.!
Now all you contract reps who thought you were safe because of the stellar jobs you did, welcome to the club. Oh yeah, the last day of Oct. 24th won't include any severance because you were a contract sales force. How do feel about "Uncle Mally" now?
Now all you contract reps who thought you were safe because of the stellar jobs you did, welcome to the club. Oh yeah, the last day of Oct. 24th won't include any severance because you were a contract sales force. How do feel about "Uncle Mally" now?
Yay! No more being asked to wait for a surgeon to arrive at 5:30 am to greet him/her at their car or wait for them to walk to their car after they leave the surgery center. Do you really think a surgeon wants to be stalked?!?! I doubt you'd do this "Mr. Manager."
Tomorrow can't come quick enough :/