Pittsburgh Rep

It’s not very professional or ethical to ask personal questions and use someone's real name. If you must know she ran for her life and found a real job with a Corporate Medical Device Company. Her base is more than 2x that 0f MDL's $50,000 ridiculously poor paying base. MDL was the most unethical, unprofessional, scamming company ever worked for. "What goes around comes around" Her integrity and top selling performance has made her successful and will continue throughout her career. She is one of the hardest working, well liked, and greatest attributes to any sales force!!! As for the individual asking, try and follow in her foot steps and be a “real” stellar "Outside sales Pharma/Medical Sales Rep" and maybe you too will succeed and go places.

The immaturity from the Management to employees flabbergasts me! Are you sure you are credible individuals to lead this company? To play the game! If you must know! A previous manager from a reputable Pharmaceutical Company who knows and respects this individual made that post. I would caution any MDL company higher ups and employees using this individuals name and untrue accusations on a public board posting and causing harm to this individual’s character! Computer information is traceable! This is Defamation of Character and you will be liable for these actions. Any further use of this individuals name or false accusations will result in further action!

The immaturity from the Management to employees flabbergasts me! Are you sure you are credible individuals to lead this company? To play the game! If you must know! A previous manager from a reputable Pharmaceutical Company who knows and respects this individual made that post. I would caution any MDL company higher ups and employees using this individuals name and untrue accusations on a public board posting and causing harm to this individual’s character! Computer information is traceable! This is Defamation of Character and you will be liable for these actions. Any further use of this individuals name or false accusations will result in further action!

Sooooo......She wasn't turned into a toad?

Actually the Toads That VT likes to turn reps into depends on the day and how she is feeling.This rep was indeed turned into a Toad actually a Northern Cricket Frog.Cricket frogs prefer the edges of slow moving, permanent bodies of water. Large groups of them can often be found together along the muddy banks of shallow streams, esp. during premigratory clustering. The northern cricket frog has been observed to hibernate upland, often at considerable distance from water

Obviously this message was not taken seriously! Continuing to make untrue accusations & inferences and compare a named human being to a toad is highly childish and harmful. This is Defamation of Character! MDL management and employees were discouraged from using this individuals name or any false accusations. Other legal actions will be taken! Computer information is traceable and will be used in the court of law! Hopefully any individuals considering employment with this company will be cautioned by the immature measure they have taken to protect their unethical actions. To think that any MDL employee would involve themselves in a dispute of this immature magnitude displays the guild held by the company.

After careful review I believe I was mistaken. The types of frogs and toads that AF uses are different then the types of toads and frogs that VT uses and in this instance the rep was indeed turned into a Pickerel Frog.
It is a small North American frog, characterized by the appearance of seemingly "hand-drawn" squares on its dorsal surface. hope that clears the confusion. No need one to get their panties-in-a-wad.

It is really entertaining to read the comments about MDL, ahhhhhhhhh it is so great to not work there anymore!! WHOEVER posted the BS about tracking postings and going to court is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AS IF.....MDL would even pursue tracking these posts number 1, and number 2, it MIGHT COST MONEY to do so??? So doubting they will take the poor soul to court that just needs to vent their frustrations because they work for such an YUCK company! And from what I have read, I did not see any kind of wrong doing? I don't think this is HIPPA!