• IMPORTANT: We will be performing server maintenance Saturday morning June 22 at approximately 10:00 AM EDT. We don't expect more than an hour or so of downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Pitiful, Pathetic, Pinnacle


We have a term "who's going walk across the stage" for a reason?

On the global town hall this week one of the speakers discusses Elinzanetant and its recent success and wanted to make sure the product and people were recognized globally and everyone gave them a round of applause. Probably well deserved. Yet here in the US, where it's been hell for several years, we do a 1 hr virtual call on a late Friday afternoon to recognize the very best of the best for the entire previous year. People who sacrificed and worked their asses off for 12 months in a shitshow. What a fucking joke!! If this is what recognizing the best of the best is, no wonder people are disgusted.

So disrespectful. I guess Paul, Jennifer, and Simon, and the rest of the top brass couldn’t give a shit because with their salaries, that depend on our results, they get to go on these luxurious trips all the time. This one’s just a work trip for them, but for many people, it's a trip out of reach unless they win it. The top brass never has to compete with 150-200 others for top spots. This tells you exactly what you need to know about what they think of customer facing people, the contempt and disdain they have, and how much they care about you. You're just a peon, and a means to an end for them. Glad I am not going on that trip I would tell them all to kiss my ass!

For an entire year they hold it out there as the prize, what everyone should be working for and towards. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the treasure chest, the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant. Then they spend less than 60 min, on virtual call, saying good job, move on, it's now 2024, what have you done for me lately? No walking across a stage like every other reputable company, no shaking hands, pictures, honoring those who excelled. A blip on a virtual call. WTF, what next, are they still putting names on the wall in Whippany or are they using crayons and masking tape now? Shameful.

More of the same clown. Didn't seem like the right winners were up on the board either. Thats the Bayer math?
I was thinking the exact same thing. How the heck did some of those people even get their name up on the board? I guess after all the layoffs, they just made it up. They probably wont show anyone how they really figured everything out, they would be exposed.

Another prime example of how this company is so very out of touch with the employees. Doing this virtual at 4 pm on a Friday felt like an afterthought...really embarrassing.....but hey, when the company has convinced the sales force that a script is .1, they can convince them that this sham of a show is the "new normal"....NOT So!!

Why can’t any of you be happy for those who excelled the most among us??? So negative. Just gtfo of here already.
Isn't that the point, those who excelled got a 30 min virtual call on a Friday afternoon as a show of appreciation from Bayer! Are you kidding me? No finer example of amateur hour! No wonder those very same talented people are looking elsewhere and leaving as soon as possible. You have to treat your people better and in a more professional manner than dressing your top management up in ill fitted tuxedos and suits like show monkeys and tipping a plastic glass to them. So disrespectful and unprofessional, it's embarrassing. If you can't do better than that, perhaps you shouldn't do anything at all. Just tell those coming to work here that it's not your culture to recognize and move on. I was told tall tales about recognition and how you are treated as a valued employee that excels. I was sold a bill of goods and am now questioning my choice.

Hahaha. While a lot of good scientists are losing their jobs, you sales reps are complaining because not many people were there to clap for you? Enough already, you have been crying for months now. Just be happy you still have jobs and were acknowledged at all

Hahaha. While a lot of good scientists are losing their jobs, you sales reps are complaining because not many people were there to clap for you? Enough already, you have been crying for months now. Just be happy you still have jobs and were acknowledged at all
If not for us salespeople you scientist wouldn't have a job. We keep the lights on, don't ever mistaken that for your reality.

More of the same clown. Didn't seem like the right winners were up on the board either. Thats the Bayer math?
Agreed, there were people not even on the radar who won over people who had been on top all year? Had to be the “lay off” factor. There’s no way this went down fairly. Same old Bayer BS.

If it weren’t for us scientists, you salespeople wouldn’t have anything to sell. Or yes, you’re right you would have something to sell: used cars and shoes.
Alas there in lies the difference, we can go sell something else somewhere else, you go back to your parents basement with your test tubes and bunsen burner. The world has plenty of unemployed scientists, the world never has enough salesmen. No go put on your lab jacket and give us something to sell.

Alas there in lies the difference, we can go sell something else somewhere else, you go back to your parents basement with your test tubes and bunsen burner. The world has plenty of unemployed scientists, the world never has enough salesmen. No go put on your lab jacket and give us something to sell.

You are just a vile individual. I'm not a scientist but I feel insulted for the poster and you are an embarrassment to Bayer. I hope you do get let go. We don't need that kind of filth amongst our ranks. Go sell your shoes Al Bundy

Same sad show at BAYER.

You clearly need science and sales… this illustrates how toxic this place is.

When you get the hired, they have to give your life history on on RoundUp exposure. Then they inoculate and indoctrinate with their NA$21 poison

What is the most disturbing and there had been a lot coming out of Bayer these days was the decision to have RSM pinnacle winners When you annihilate the entire RSM team, only to leave three remaining and then decide to give one of those three a trip and an award that they can use to seek out other jobs when they clearly didn’t deserve it is extremely disgusting and very difficult thing for sales people to watch especially when your RSM who you decided to cut should’ve been the actual winner. Then you celebrate them. You’re sending them on a trip for a week. They probably got some sort of financial bonus for that and a plaque and we think that’s great and celebrate thay?. It was really really in bad taste whoever made that decision should be ashamed of themselves . And Phil Liguori is not a pinnacle winner but let’s give it to him anyway. What a joke.

That bjtch DO make me sick! I got to gtf out of here.

I don’t necessarily think she is biotch I just think she is brutally honest with people and often out of touch with how others are feeling because she has been so inundated with AGM stuff. I do think she an be very thoughtful and sweet as well so not sure if I can agree with your sentiment. I do think PL is completely corrupt and disingenuous. TW Doesn’t do anything and is hiding behind his camera while he is working on his weight, loss clinic. DB is sadly way over his head and cannot relate to his team. AN is a pushover and doesn’t have her own thought. JR is way over his head and doesn’t deserve to sit in his spot , TH is out of touch doesn’t care about his team and is trying hard to outshine all the other AGMs. Overall not impressed with our current leadership team, and Johannes bless your heart. You’re clueless

The whole leadership in that division is a hot mess. It’s like prostate has been replaced by TM. Have they forgotten who was hiding down the dirt for ONC? They have really lost touch meanwhile our competitors are poaching their talent. Such stupid leadership here. And the mighty Nicole and her driving her agenda has fallen. Fallen from grace.