An honest inquiry into the field as to how many are on one or feel they are about to be put on one. They can't get rid of too many as half the force is brand new.....or maybe they can.
The October national sales meeting went great (remember one your prior lies when you claimed the meeting took place in September). How can you be talking about PIPs as you do not work at the company or know anybody that does. Hardly any sales reps are leaving. Not a single of the top 30% sales producers left in Q3. The new hires are highly capable and a strong addition to Dendreon. You could cut the positive enthusiasm at the national meeting with a knife.
Yes I do work here and the new hires are top notch. The reps that were promoted to DM are also top notch.
Nope, you are the lying fraud. I am very optimistic about Dendreon for the long-term.
Yes I do work here and the new hires are top notch. The reps that were promoted to DM are also top notch.
yes, instead of thanksgiving turkeys this year some folks are getting pips. some are deserved and some are just because a person doesn't fit the new primary care image.
Schiffman cut the all-in cost of goods sold margin in half from 130% to 66% over the past year. He is worth every penny they pay him.
Ranieri has been able to attract top and sales and marketing talent. He is worth every penny they pay him (maybe you should learn to spell his name correctly).
Gold does not work for the company anymore.
I got put on PIP. Total bull shit. My Manager is an a-hole. If you don't fit you are out. My sales are decent not great like everyone else. I hired a lawyer and will fight to the end. This company blows.
Doubt its your manager that initiated this....unless he/she is a newbie. Most of them have no choice in the matter-pretty sad really. If you haven't done a good enough job sucking up to the new mgmt team-you're out regardless of sales. And let's be honest here.....nobody is doing well-except for the slackers that had little to no sales last year and are finally getting some accounts/BVs in.