Are these guys the real deal?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 07, 2012 at 10:29: PM #1 Anonymous Guest Are these guys the real deal?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 08, 2012 at 08:10: AM #2 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: Are these guys the real deal? Click to expand... Yes, former Osteonics founder/inventor and then Implex, with McCarthy originally from JnJ...lots of money and lots of money to be made....
Anonymous said: Are these guys the real deal? Click to expand... Yes, former Osteonics founder/inventor and then Implex, with McCarthy originally from JnJ...lots of money and lots of money to be made....
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 08, 2012 at 12:26: PM #3 Anonymous Guest What have they brought to market? What are they currently working on? There's not a whole lot of info on their company website.
What have they brought to market? What are they currently working on? There's not a whole lot of info on their company website.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 08, 2012 at 01:08: PM #4 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: What have they brought to market? What are they currently working on? There's not a whole lot of info on their company website. Click to expand... Last I heard, Pipeline is making joints for Mako. It is rumored that The Company will eventually develop and market orthopedic trauma products.
Anonymous said: What have they brought to market? What are they currently working on? There's not a whole lot of info on their company website. Click to expand... Last I heard, Pipeline is making joints for Mako. It is rumored that The Company will eventually develop and market orthopedic trauma products.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 08, 2012 at 01:19: PM #5 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: Last I heard, Pipeline is making joints for Mako. It is rumored that The Company will eventually develop and market orthopedic trauma products. Click to expand... They just did a stock swap with Mako for 7 M (?). Pipeline has much to make if Mako successful !
Anonymous said: Last I heard, Pipeline is making joints for Mako. It is rumored that The Company will eventually develop and market orthopedic trauma products. Click to expand... They just did a stock swap with Mako for 7 M (?). Pipeline has much to make if Mako successful !
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 08, 2012 at 02:14: PM #6 Anonymous Guest Will companies like Pipeline completely replace in-house R&D? Doubtful but it seems like it's heading in that direction.
Will companies like Pipeline completely replace in-house R&D? Doubtful but it seems like it's heading in that direction.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 08, 2012 at 10:03: PM #7 Anonymous Guest Are you down conversing back and forth with yourself?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 08, 2012 at 11:09: PM #8 Anonymous Guest down like a clown, charlie brown.