Eight weeks of data released today and 20 territories have less than 8 NBRx. How many RSS will receive their PIP next week?
I have a feeling the “lines of candidates” Kirk referred to have found better opportunities given today’s news. It would be madness to dump a rep that at least has some product and territory knowledge.

No, of course not, there’s no need for accountability. Just try your hardest, and the company will be fine with you generating 10 new rx’s in a whole Quarter. We’ll have participation trophies for you and everyone at the next meeting.

No, of course not, there’s no need for accountability. Just try your hardest, and the company will be fine with you generating 10 new rx’s in a whole Quarter. We’ll have participation trophies for you and everyone at the next meeting.
And the company will also be happy to pay you $4 for a $1000 income stream.

Wow, I would have thought that an accomplished superstar rep like you with such an extensive finance and accounting and managed care background would have known that the company is not actually getting $1,000 in revenue on a refill. Guess you’re not that smart after all. Thanks for trying, though. Your 10 nbrx’s this quarter are pathetic and laughable, just like you. You’ll be on a plan and gone soon enough, hopefully.

The middle of the pack rep has 15 NBRS. That is less than $3k for an entire quarter (if you add in TRXS). At some point, SOMEONE is going to realize that the "NBRS" focus is not correct.

Wow, I would have thought that an accomplished superstar rep like you with such an extensive finance and accounting and managed care background would have known that the company is not actually getting $1,000 in revenue on a refill. Guess you’re not that smart after all. Thanks for trying, though. Your 10 nbrx’s this quarter are pathetic and laughable, just like you. You’ll be on a plan and gone soon enough, hopefully.
Even if it was $500.00 per bottle, $10.00 is not enough compensation.