PIP process

In many cases a warning letter comes first, especially in a case where someone has a good trac record over a period of time. This makes it easier to build a case against the employee. Once on a PIP, the best advice is to try and get a new job. You may hit forcast, and still get fired the next year if you are under plan, once you have been identified as someone that has performance issues. This is begining to be very common at EWHU, as RBD's are instructing DM's to put all employees coming off a prior bad year and are not at forcast in the current year. This is big pharma 101. This is no longer a device company, and many of our loyal customers dont respect us. Look at the fool DM in Boston. How can this guy still have a job. That guy is proof how far this company has fallen. Start looking!

In many cases a warning letter comes first, especially in a case where someone has a good trac record over a period of time. This makes it easier to build a case against the employee. Once on a PIP, the best advice is to try and get a new job. You may hit forcast, and still get fired the next year if you are under plan, once you have been identified as someone that has performance issues. This is begining to be very common at EWHU, as RBD's are instructing DM's to put all employees coming off a prior bad year and are not at forcast in the current year. This is big pharma 101. This is no longer a device company, and many of our loyal customers dont respect us. Look at the fool DM in Boston. How can this guy still have a job. That guy is proof how far this company has fallen. Start looking!

This is incorrect. Many people have gone on plan and turned it around. It depend on how the plan is written. If it's fair, it will be obtainable and you will come out if it just fine. Many reps have been on plan, got through it and have gone on to do just fine. Some have not.

The above post is definately written by a manager. I don't know of a single person that this process started and they remained employed by JnJ. I've seen it across all companies and divisions. It is designed to do nothing more than protect the managers and company. You are fooling yourself if you think you don't need another job at this point.

This is incorrect. Many people have gone on plan and turned it around. It depend on how the plan is written. If it's fair, it will be obtainable and you will come out if it just fine. Many reps have been on plan, got through it and have gone on to do just fine. Some have not.

This is complete BS. Who are you! PIP or a warning letter is the first step in telling an employee that they are not meeting expectations. As a sales person who can not sell, your time will be limited. Follow this tools advice, and give a 110%, and really turn things around and you will have a great career. This is a highly competative market place, and you have just been branded by your management, and your peers have been alerted that you cant get the job done. This is a process oriented company, they do not care about you. So why care about them. Your priority is to get another job, not to serve your masters. Looking forward to spending the Super Bowl in my room, and being out of territory for a week.

This is complete BS. Who are you! PIP or a warning letter is the first step in telling an employee that they are not meeting expectations. As a sales person who can not sell, your time will be limited. Follow this tools advice, and give a 110%, and really turn things around and you will have a great career. This is a highly competative market place, and you have just been branded by your management, and your peers have been alerted that you cant get the job done. This is a process oriented company, they do not care about you. So why care about them. Your priority is to get another job, not to serve your masters. Looking forward to spending the Super Bowl in my room, and being out of territory for a week.

I wrote the post saying some have made it through the pip and some haven't. I'm not a manager, I don't care if you stay or go if you are put on a plan nor did I say that you will be the next manager if you are put on a plan. I'm just stating fact that you can get through it without getting fired. I know three people who have been on plan and got through it. As for being branded. That's BS. People don't know about the plan unless the manager or the person on plan tells people. I know someone who just got off plan and only a few other people knew about it because he told them. I also know one who has been axed after being on a plan. Probably more get fired once on plan than not. That's just the four that I'm aware of. If you aren't making money you should be looking for a job before you get on plan anyway. My point was just that it's not automatic that you will be fired.

What is the PIP process at EWHU? Is there a warning prior to being put on a plan? How does a PIP work? How common is it to get off the plan vs getting another job?

I'm curious: why would you still want to work for EWHU that puts you on PIP? Obviously you've been targeted for the axe. How could you ever trust your boss again even if you are successful?

Oh and Why work your butt off just to rebuild the territory for the next rep who your manager has probably already picked out to take your place anyhow?

Btw, even if you do succeed...they'll still getcha. Better to find another job and resign.

My manager told me the PIP was given to me to help me and it is very common. Carole Clever has a lot of reps on PIP, and she is a great leader, hired by Bridget who is also very experienced in the business. I need to stay focused and work smart in 2011. Wish me luck, I am only a year into device but have much experience with OWHU.

It was a mandated that everybody that did not hit forecast in 2010 receive a PIP, but not all people received one...there are no standards in place...keep that in mind when you visit your attorney and how you are being discriminated against.

No one keeps their job once given a pip. It's the company's way of getting rid of people. Even if you do everything that is asked of you- and it will get to be a very long list- you will still fail. Look elsewhere immediately.

No one keeps their job once given a pip. It's the company's way of getting rid of people. Even if you do everything that is asked of you- and it will get to be a very long list- you will still fail. Look elsewhere immediately.

I agree that you should be looking for another job if on PIP but this poster is not speaking from history. I know people who have been on PIP's and are still here and are doing fine.

I agree that you should be looking for another job if on PIP but this poster is not speaking from history. I know people who have been on PIP's and are still here and are doing fine.

If people really are still there and doing fine- why should this person be looking elsewhere? You are talking out of both sides of your mouth- and obviously don't have a clue.
Good luck with your "career"

Why are so many reps on PIP, and all the negative posts? Sounds like people are not very happy. I am interviewing this week, all honest feedback is appreciated, and are you really having a meeting over Super Bowl Sunday. I have always admired J&J. Thanks.

J&J is not a bad company to work for. Some divisions of the company seem to have "lost their way" and are no longer good areas. Every job depends on your manager- I would ask around - or reps in your area how the person you will be working for treats reps. I've had a wonderful manager and satan. All depends.

Why are so many reps on PIP, and all the negative posts? Sounds like people are not very happy. I am interviewing this week, all honest feedback is appreciated, and are you really having a meeting over Super Bowl Sunday. I have always admired J&J. Thanks.

My advice is that you limit your admiration. It is not what it is cracked up to be. If you are put on PIP, your first priority must be to get another job. Document everything. If you feel that you are being harrassed by your manager unjustly, make sure that you can cite concrete incidents and send it to him or her in an e-mail. Let them be concerned for their own reputation and stability there. Do your job while you are there but do not be victimized. Above all, you must leave Ethicon. This is a very non forgiving company and people talk too much. It will be very difficult for you to rise above this and trust anyone again particularly if you were doing your best and put on the PIP.