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(Pics) Wussy Treyvon Martin Hits Zimmerman on Back of Head


Well well well Libtards, look what we have here:


Pictures of a LOT of blood from two deep gashes on the back of Zimmerman's head. Clearly this would have been done while Zimmerman was in a defensive posture (facing away).

This seems to support Zimmerman's story, doesn't it? I can tell you to create those gashes would have taken a LOT of force.

Well well well Libtards, look what we have here:


Pictures of a LOT of blood from two deep gashes on the back of Zimmerman's head. Clearly this would have been done while Zimmerman was in a defensive posture (facing away).

This seems to support Zimmerman's story, doesn't it? I can tell you to create those gashes would have taken a LOT of force.

Did Trayvon Martin have the right to stand his ground, yes or no?

Zimmerman was not admitted to a hospital or given stitches the night of the incident.

Prosecutors saw ALL the evidence and still went ahead with the charges. Investigator at the scene didn't believe his story and wanted to file charges but was over-ruled on suspicious intervention by higher ups.


Well well well Libtards, look what we have here:


Pictures of a LOT of blood from two deep gashes on the back of Zimmerman's head. Clearly this would have been done while Zimmerman was in a defensive posture (facing away).

This seems to support Zimmerman's story, doesn't it? I can tell you to create those gashes would have taken a LOT of force.

But........but.......but......his daddy was a judge so he probably talked the cop into hitting him in the back of his head with the butt if his pistol. Or he slammed his own head into his car door.

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled program THE GOP WAR ON WOMEN ROFLMAO

Oh an it is George W Bush's fault

Did Trayvon Martin have the right to stand his ground, yes or no?

Zimmerman was not admitted to a hospital or given stitches the night of the incident.

Prosecutors saw ALL the evidence and still went ahead with the charges. Investigator at the scene didn't believe his story and wanted to file charges but was over-ruled on suspicious intervention by higher ups.


Try to get your gin-soaked brain around this basic fact: Martin did not have a ground upon which to stand. He was trespassing on somebody elses' ground. Furthermore, he struck Zimmerman on the BACK of his head. No stitches? Do you get stitches every time you have a cut? We now understand why your aptly chosen user name refers to a pimple on another person's ass. Did you clear this post with Al Sharpton beforehand?
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Did Trayvon Martin have the right to stand his ground, yes or no?

Zimmerman was not admitted to a hospital or given stitches the night of the incident.

Prosecutors saw ALL the evidence and still went ahead with the charges. Investigator at the scene didn't believe his story and wanted to file charges but was over-ruled on suspicious intervention by higher ups.


Still clinging to a bogus story? I applaud your ability to "stand your ground" in the face of overwhelming evidence vindicating poor George.

If only Trayvon had gone straight home that night after he left the 7eleven instead of wandering aimlessly in the cold and rain.

If only he hadn't gotten suspended from school. He would have never been in Sanford to run across the mean ole democrat named George Zimmerman

Still clinging to a bogus story? I applaud your ability to "stand your ground" in the face of overwhelming evidence vindicating poor George.

If only Trayvon had gone straight home that night after he left the 7eleven instead of wandering aimlessly in the cold and rain.

If only he hadn't gotten suspended from school. He would have never been in Sanford to run across the mean ole democrat named George Zimmerman

Has there ever been a satisfactory (or even unsatisfactory) explanation of why Martin was trespassing on posted property? The "visiting a sick uncle" story didn't hold up.

Interesting that so many Dumbocraps continue to wish the pesky old Constitution would just go away.
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Well well well Libtards, look what we have here:


Pictures of a LOT of blood from two deep gashes on the back of Zimmerman's head. Clearly this would have been done while Zimmerman was in a defensive posture (facing away).

This seems to support Zimmerman's story, doesn't it? I can tell you to create those gashes would have taken a LOT of force.

Hell no. The head is extremely vascular...looks way worse than it was. He healed up mighty quick.

Prove those wounds were not caused by his head being thrown back to the cement by the recoil of his firearm at close range v. anything else. Physics.

Hell no. The head is extremely vascular...looks way worse than it was. He healed up mighty quick.

Prove those wounds were not caused by his head being thrown back to the cement by the recoil of his firearm at close range v. anything else. Physics.

The "alleged" injury to the back of Zimmie's head have been "doctored". Even ABC isn't certain that the photo(s) are legit. Simple forensics tend to dispute the "evidence" of injury in the photo because of the traumatic force necessary to crack Zimmies melon, the blood is an unusual color and the spatter is inconsistent with description Zimmie gave on how it happened.
Zimmie needs to be found guilty and punished thoroughly for his crimes.

The "alleged" injury to the back of Zimmie's head have been "doctored". Even ABC isn't certain that the photo(s) are legit. Simple forensics tend to dispute the "evidence" of injury in the photo because of the traumatic force necessary to crack Zimmies melon, the blood is an unusual color and the spatter is inconsistent with description Zimmie gave on how it happened.
Zimmie needs to be found guilty and punished thoroughly for his crimes.

ABC also isn't certain that the photo)s) ARE NOT legit. And you should be locked up for conspiring to deprive Zimmerman of his Constitutional right to a fair trial.

Has there ever been a satisfactory (or even unsatisfactory) explanation of why Martin was trespassing on posted property? The "visiting a sick uncle" story didn't hold up.

Interesting that so many Dumbocraps continue to wish the pesky old Constitution would just go away.

Trayvon had every right to be in the neighborhood. No one has to check in with nazis like Zimmie the murderer and ask permission to enter from his foulness.
You may not like civil rights for all, but people of all colors, creeds and orientations DO have rights that cannot be abridged by little nazi wannbes.
No matter what the outcome is in the Zimmie trial, violating one's civil rights is not going to be swept away by conservaturd media.

Hell no. The head is extremely vascular...looks way worse than it was. He healed up mighty quick.

Prove those wounds were not caused by his head being thrown back to the cement by the recoil of his firearm at close range v. anything else. Physics.

The burden of proof is not on him. You are failing miserably as usual, because you let your irrational bias and twisted wishes get in the way.

The "alleged" injury to the back of Zimmie's head have been "doctored". Even ABC isn't certain that the photo(s) are legit. Simple forensics tend to dispute the "evidence" of injury in the photo because of the traumatic force necessary to crack Zimmies melon, the blood is an unusual color and the spatter is inconsistent with description Zimmie gave on how it happened.
Zimmie needs to be found guilty and punished thoroughly for his crimes.

LOL! You just didn't hold ABC up as an arbiter of truth did you?

Trayvon had every right to be in the neighborhood. No one has to check in with nazis like Zimmie the murderer and ask permission to enter from his foulness.
You may not like civil rights for all, but people of all colors, creeds and orientations DO have rights that cannot be abridged by little nazi wannbes.
No matter what the outcome is in the Zimmie trial, violating one's civil rights is not going to be swept away by conservaturd media.

The only thing that is remotely associated with truth is that Zimmerman is a Democrat and the Democrat party is the more one closely associated with Nazism!

The "alleged" injury to the back of Zimmie's head have been "doctored". Even ABC isn't certain that the photo(s) are legit. Simple forensics tend to dispute the "evidence" of injury in the photo because of the traumatic force necessary to crack Zimmies melon, the blood is an unusual color and the spatter is inconsistent with description Zimmie gave on how it happened.
Zimmie needs to be found guilty and punished thoroughly for his crimes.

REALLY????? YOU have already decided Z is guilty? And the pics HAVE been doctored? "Simple physics tend to dispute........"??? It doesn't take much at all to make a person's head gush blood like a geyser. You sure make a lot of definitive statements. Where does all this inside knowledge come from? Even lefty, Alan Doucheawitz says the charges will never stick. Let's just wait for all the facts and let our judicial system decide.
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Still clinging to a bogus story? I applaud your ability to "stand your ground" in the face of overwhelming evidence vindicating poor George.

If only Trayvon had gone straight home that night after he left the 7eleven instead of wandering aimlessly in the cold and rain.

If only he hadn't gotten suspended from school. He would have never been in Sanford to run across the mean ole democrat named George Zimmerman

We get it. He's black and didnt have his permission papers from rightwing massa allowing him to be on the street.


Has there ever been a satisfactory (or even unsatisfactory) explanation of why Martin was trespassing on posted property? The "visiting a sick uncle" story didn't hold up.

Interesting that so many Dumbocraps continue to wish the pesky old Constitution would just go away.

I know...I know....he didnt have his permission papers from an acceptable right wing authority availing him the ability to be on the street without being questioned by self appointed mall cops.


I know...I know....he didnt have his permission papers from an acceptable right wing authority availing him the ability to be on the street without being questioned by self appointed mall cops.


In the spirit of helping you out, I will try to provide you with a framework that will allow you to understand the problem.

Suppose you were sitting in your yard, shooting sparrows off the trees with your .22, and some guy comes around the corner.

He is well dressed, clean-shaven, has signed shoes, appears clean and well groomed, has pleasant breath, and a nice smile. Your dog trots up to the guy and licks his hand. In other words, he is totally out of place in your neighborhood, so you immediately understand that this guy is up to no good. You reach for your gun to shoot him, but he runs up on you and decks you before you can get the piece out of your pocket.

At this point, you hear the sound of sirens coming, so you sit down and play with your Pimple, waiting for the cops to haul you away.

Well well well Libtards, look what we have here:


Pictures of a LOT of blood from two deep gashes on the back of Zimmerman's head. Clearly this would have been done while Zimmerman was in a defensive posture (facing away).

This seems to support Zimmerman's story, doesn't it? I can tell you to create those gashes would have taken a LOT of force.

Who's wussy? Big fat badass (he thought) Zimmerman had to take a gun with him to follow a 17 year old kid from the store where he bought Skittles. What a chickenshit wannabe cop punk. No gun, no problem, just follow him in your car like the cops told him to. He's a man with a paper asshole.

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