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Pickard and Freeh, I can't believe they didn't know!!


Bristol-Myers do or did have two ex-FBI guys working for them, recruited in 2002 and 2003. One is a board member and one is in charge of Corporate Security. The Bristol-Myers "arrangement" with Armstrong lasted until 2005. With their connections in the DoJ, I can't believe they knew nothing of the scandal of Armstrong's drug taking.


Bristol-Myers do or did have two ex-FBI guys working for them, recruited in 2002 and 2003. One is a board member and one is in charge of Corporate Security. The Bristol-Myers "arrangement" with Armstrong lasted until 2005. With their connections in the DoJ, I can't believe they knew nothing of the scandal of Armstrong's drug taking.

And if Tom and Jerry didn't know, they should have!!

Bristol-Myers do or did have two ex-FBI guys working for them, recruited in 2002 and 2003. One is a board member and one is in charge of Corporate Security. The Bristol-Myers "arrangement" with Armstrong lasted until 2005. With their connections in the DoJ, I can't believe they knew nothing of the scandal of Armstrong's drug taking.

WHO CARES!!!!!!! He's not the only one who lied, but someone who got caught. There's more to come, but again really WHO CARES!!!!

Years earlier, Tom and Jerry also knew about Bill Clinton's lying as well as Hillary lying last year about Libya attack. Yet, did nothing. Simply unbelievable!

Feel free to quote Hillary's lies last year about the Libya attack fingerhole, because there are none. And Bill's lying was none of your business because sex is private. Your Buddy Lance lied and cheated as did George the Stupid and his cadre of right-wingers about WMD in Iraq. I am quite glad to support the guys on my side versus your pinheads.

Feel free to quote Hillary's lies last year about the Libya attack fingerhole, because there are none. And Bill's lying was none of your business because sex is private. Your Buddy Lance lied and cheated as did George the Stupid and his cadre of right-wingers about WMD in Iraq. I am quite glad to support the guys on my side versus your pinheads.

Armstrong has the potential to do BMS a lot of harm, depending on who knew what and when. Tom & Jerry, by not coming up to the mark have become part of the story. See other posts too - time for them to go!!

Bristol-Myers do or did have two ex-FBI guys working for them, recruited in 2002 and 2003. One is a board member and one is in charge of Corporate Security. The Bristol-Myers "arrangement" with Armstrong lasted until 2005. With their connections in the DoJ, I can't believe they knew nothing of the scandal of Armstrong's drug taking.

They knew, truth is Louis Freeh was injecting 'roids into Lance's butt at races.