Physician Signature Verified?


Today I was informed that a physician I call on was asked via letter to verify that he signed for samples I left. Is this a random audit or something more? I have never done anything unethical so just confused?

  • RTBKPL   May 11, 2011 at 09:13: AM
This is done all the time. I have seen many such requests over the years. The signature on the computer is rather amusing at times. They do this to everyone, not just to get rid of people but to find those that might need to be gotten rid of.

Keep your nose clean, don't sell samples, don't lie about calls, don't sign the doctors name on the computer YOURSELF and all will be well.

Hope all my friends are doing well.

Never let the bastards get you down.


This is a everyday event. Warning, if you are halfway tempted to sign a Dr signature yourself , you will be caught and dealt with like the Sr managers in the recent news from our company.

Someone has it out for you my friend......any there counterparts or managers you have pissed off recently? I went through something like this and my manager thought he could intimidate me, accusing me of making fake calls, etc. What these assholes don't realize is that you can actually see and talk to a Dr. on his/her day off..... He even followed me in the field. He even had enough nerve to put a ball cap on. I reported it to HR and they did nothing......document everything and do the right will be fine. My "investigation" showed no wrong doing on my part......boy was Mr. Sherazee pissed. He and my lovely counterpart made quite a team! They will get theirs someday.....I know HR has a file on both of them a mile long.

every time i sign for my special docs, i drop off an envelope for them. it contains free drink and lapdance coupons for a gentlemans club not too far away. the doc's staff has no idea what's in the envelope, it's marked PERSONAL CONFIDENTIAL with docs' name on it.

trust me, my docs will say under oath, that they signed for everything i say they signed.

Lapdances = effective marketing -- got it?

This is a everyday event. Warning, if you are halfway tempted to sign a Dr signature yourself , you will be caught and dealt with like the Sr managers in the recent news from our company.

Bull I have been signing my own sample form since 2000 and never caught, never will. Give me a break! Keep signing away!

I agree with post #5. If they are looking to get rid of you, they will. It may not be today, it could be a year from now. But you are on the list. NEVER forged a signature, yet they said the Doctor couldn't verify his signature..BS!! It doesn't matter if you cross your T's and dot your I's. Novartis is very good at making sh*t up. Good Luck!

Today I was informed that a physician I call on was asked via letter to verify that he signed for samples I left. Is this a random audit or something more? I have never done anything unethical so just confused?

What you shouldn't do is photocopy the letter that HR sent to your physician and add it into all of your ssf's that you send in on a weekly basis. I also attached my own notes taunting the system to find something wrong-so pissed off-I NEVER cheated the system.....looking back-I should have.

Someone is after you-possibly your other divisions manager? A rep in your territory that doesn't work? Jealous? Over the BS 5% mark on your sample inventory?

F-em. Nothing they can do if you keep your nose clean except lie and force you out.

Good Luck