Phoenix Merck interviews

they were handled professionally, same process, 4 or so candidates, 1 dm interviewing, he makes decision who advances(just like most companies, except it's done in 1 day) ,then interview with RD. no offers yet, this is new contract, so dm's are just being hired this week, they dont have computers, and are jumping in to interview their candidates.. not bad way to go, at least you know at end of day if you are a finalist...

I don't think it was handled professionally: I think there was AGE DISCRIMINATION.
inVentiv is known for it and it continues.

I am a recruiter for inVentiv and can tell you that we get pressure from hiring managers and HR not to send candidates over 40 to interviews. One HR manager said "those old fucks do nothing but complain".

Hello Porky,

Not me ... I’m rather impressed with your repartee. Judging by the viewer count, (up an additional 300 in the last week), so are others.
It appears you must have the last word, no matter the cost, even if doing so is self-defaming. Others are simply trying to tell you to wise up.

For reasons apparent ... perhaps I will ease up.


Hello Porky,

Not me ... I’m rather impressed with your repartee. Judging by the viewer count, (up an additional 300 in the last week), so are others.
It appears you must have the last word, no matter the cost, even if doing so is self-defaming. Others are simply trying to tell you to wise up.

For reasons apparent ... perhaps I will ease up.


OK fuckface. Thanks for that update!
