Phil B. Molly Post

Of course it was Molly you idiot. Phil is a great person and could care less about post here. Molly is scared to death over things she has done in the past 6 months because they could get Mylan and herself in deep legal water! So see now since this post makes no mention of PB if it gets removed...if it does then you can be certain it was Molly! I think that someone must be paranoid!!!

Of course it was Molly you idiot. Phil is a great person and could care less about post here. Molly is scared to death over things she has done in the past 6 months because they could get Mylan and herself in deep legal water! So see now since this post makes no mention of PB if it gets removed...if it does then you can be certain it was Molly! I think that someone must be paranoid!!!

The problem with a rogue HR mgr on a egocentric power trip, is that people are scared to report her. She has definitely done immoral things that put Mylan at risk. Kharma may get her someday, but she deserves to get what's coming sooner rather than later. Maybe Mylan HR will get smart and let her have some of her own medicine!

Of course it was Molly you idiot. Phil is a great person and could care less about post here. Molly is scared to death over things she has done in the past 6 months because they could get Mylan and herself in deep legal water! So see now since this post makes no mention of PB if it gets removed...if it does then you can be certain it was Molly! I think that someone must be paranoid!!!

Phil a great guy? Really....obviously this is Phil or Sara. Nobody and I mean nobody would ever say he is a great guy!

Molly has been reported twice to Mylan. Dey has two wrongful termination suits against them. You know how hard it is for a lawyer to take a wt case its almost impossible without solid proof. Molly is such an asshole and I cant wait to see her get fucked over.

Molly has been reported twice to Mylan. Dey has two wrongful termination suits against them. You know how hard it is for a lawyer to take a wt case its almost impossible without solid proof. Molly is such an asshole and I cant wait to see her get fucked over.

are you so stupid to believe anyone in HR can terminate someone on their own? Come back to reality fuckwads. HR doesn't advise a DM/RD to terminate until legal signs off.

now waste time flaming away on someone else

No really Molly is dangerous not to the sales force but to Mylan. And make that 3 WT suits against Dey. I was told the most recent one will make MC unemployable! Also heard that she "threatened" people with their jobs if they spoke to the person terminated. So that just digs her grave deeper! Since they recorded her statements. But what about the new Pres. JT dropping F bombs at the managers meeting and at the recent phase 1 ? That sounds like a hostile work environment with no recourse for his behavior. People will reap what they sow. MC put your miserable a resume together SOON and hope that JT, Sal and JY consider you one of their gang!

HR (Molly) is not there to protect sales reps. It's just there to protect the company and doesn't give a rip about being honest. Speaking of scumbags, Bill still has a job.