Phase 2 Layoffs 2012 will begin

Of course , ZS Ass-ociates has already made projections through 2015 including
the loss of Gleevac in addition to Diovan.

Naturally at the kook(sp) aid meeting in January they will blow smoke up your
rectum about the pipeline & you'll see shades of Greg Scofields teeth telling you
it's (still) the place to be but now they will expect you to work 3x as hard for
less pay , no raises , minute bonus, ultra micro managing , absurd paperwork
but that you are uber LUCKY to have a yob .

Cuz here at Nofartus dats ow we roll !

Heil Danny !!!

Of course , ZS Ass-ociates has already made projections through 2015 including
the loss of Gleevac in addition to Diovan.

Naturally at the kook(sp) aid meeting in January they will blow smoke up your
rectum about the pipeline & you'll see shades of Greg Scofields teeth telling you
it's (still) the place to be but now they will expect you to work 3x as hard for
less pay , no raises , minute bonus, ultra micro managing , absurd paperwork
but that you are uber LUCKY to have a yob .

Cuz here at Nofartus dats ow we roll !

Heil Danny !!!

At least they'll save the 85 million next go round
so long severances that was so 2010

Of course , ZS Ass-ociates has already made projections through 2015 including
the loss of Gleevac in addition to Diovan.

Naturally at the kook(sp) aid meeting in January they will blow smoke up your
rectum about the pipeline & you'll see shades of Greg Scofields teeth telling you
it's (still) the place to be but now they will expect you to work 3x as hard for
less pay , no raises , minute bonus, ultra micro managing , absurd paperwork
but that you are uber LUCKY to have a yob .

Cuz here at Nofartus dats ow we roll !

Heil Danny !!!

LMAO.....and that sounds just about right. Non-pharma people tell me that "those pharma co just brainwash you to think your drug is the best". Um, duh, well naturally that is usually how any sales organization is. Novartis is no difference. Yes, I'm sure we'll hear that it IS the place to be. Novartis is turning me into one of those peeps who are mean and angry about the whole pharma industry! I've worked for other pharma co and they have in no way impacted me in this negative manner like novartis has!!!!!!

Prediction....Sept 20111.....5 reps per territory down to 2 CV and 1 Ree just like 1999 when we had 1 Novartis 1 Ciba and 1 Sandoz ..... I am so old school. An old man at NPC in mid 30's....sad but gray hair around here anymore.....

does it matter ? the drugs suck especially once Diocrap goes
DRI ?! a 6mm SBP Drop ! but hey, keep illegally pushing for diabetics

Prediction....Sept 20111.....5 reps per territory down to 2 CV and 1 Ree just like 1999 when we had 1 Novartis 1 Ciba and 1 Sandoz ..... I am so old school. An old man at NPC in mid 30's....sad but gray hair around here anymore.....

20111 there won't be any Reps or novartis you flippn idiot

My fellow Novartis reps. After that dreaded phone call its clear there is no loyalty here. The good news is I was looking at CP Job Boards and there is a company looking for Novartis reps right now. Like mana from the sky! Passing along to help out. Hit Job Boards on CafePharma and look on 2nd page.