Pharmacy calls


Are you kidding me? Why are you wasting my time? who is the genius that came up with this project? Gas is up to 4 bucks, new list that still stinks and no BONUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Stop the nonsence. It's not a new product so it's already on the shelves. Sure send the discount info to all the pharmacies maybe even some Crestor sample bags would be nice. No generic equavlant sounds like Lipitors message. Yes let the pharmacist save the patient some money but sell the pharmacist on why Crestor? They are no more than pill counters and patients are always looking for something cheaper. Better suggestion might be to tell the patient to put back the bag of potatoe chips and energy drink and for gods sake stop talking on the phone when you are asking me a question. OUT.

10 per wk. Here is the deal, we cannot enter these calls and we r not paid on it . I think managers and or Business directors should make these calls instead of riding with us every 3 wks.

10 per wk. Here is the deal, we cannot enter these calls and we r not paid on it . I think managers and or Business directors should make these calls instead of riding with us every 3 wks.

With gas over $4.00 and a penny increase on mileage, is it worth it, not knowing if we have a job when all is said and done?

I thought I read somewhere it was not appropriate to distribute "coupons," vouchers to pharmacies, so I guess co-pay cards aren't coupons per Pfizer.

Here's the key: Make friends with five pharmacists in five towns (one in each). See them every other week. When your manager asks to make a pharmacy call (which s/he will), take him to that pharmacy.

I used my lunch budget to take out pharmacists. They can override prescriptions better and can support your products. Believe me on this. They can call the doc and say that they are out of your competitor, but that they have XXX drug. It works.