Pharmacia/Phadia information


We now have a new board. Thanks, moderators!

Where to find older boards in lost civilizations:

1) Pharmacia = upjohn, searle, pfizer, misc. random companies
2) Pharmacia diagnostics = everything after merger (and see #1)

Hopefully, this board will lead to relevant conversations between colleagues.

Pretty funny. I asked the board to be moved b/c it was a mess. Everyone can still post on the old board in lost civies if they want.

How is the new regional manager? Someone told he was a manger with quest. True?

No - it is blah blah blah. It is quite obvious you have very poor posting skills. I would suggest that you take posting skills for dummies at TF medical school.

Be happy today because the Supreme Court upheld the health care law mandate. So, you all better start looking for another job as this industry is done and all of Pharma. Probably Walmart would be a good place to apply.