
I did not see Perry Sternberg on those who will be staying on and those who will NOT be staying on. Whats the word on the street? Will Valeant keep all reps? I notice there was no mention of their existing sales force (retina)? Any input would be appreciated>

Really - sad because of no Brad Paddock? !?! I'll tell you what's sad - the U.S. Surgical Sales force stopped performing 3 months ago just because Alcon is releasing a new Anterior machine. Why the U.S. sales force is being spared defies all logic. They need to stop making excuses and start delivering. Brazil all by itself can move more Surgical product in a quarter than the U.S. can.

Paddock, Kennedy, Papen, Finlay, Guckes, Hess & all the rest - jokes. Surgical HGM, EMEA, Asia - all make the U.S. look like chump change. No one gonna miss Paddock or any of those other under-performers when / if they let them go. They were unnaturally protected for too long anyway.