Pharma will start to layoff soon


These companies will NOT keeping paying us indefinitely. At some point, they will lay us off and "promise" to bring us back I bet. As a reasonable businessperson, that is what I would do if I was an owner, so I definitely understand. We are fortunate, that they have paid us THIS long. But we will ALL have to file for unemployment doubt. And if ya think about it, KOWA "ONLY" grossed $411 million last year....

Ok...April 30th (as per Ben).. You were saying??? I've seen the shit before. I definitely know how this thing plays out. Well not particularly surrounding the coronavirus...but you get my point.

Unfortunately, Japan can make some choices over Ben. With how much Kowa is involved with hotels, they have got to be hurting. I wouldn’t be shocked if there was a 30 to 60 day furlough. Hoping there isn’t.