Pharma to Dental?


I'm interviewing for a Patterson Dental TM position. I'm currently in Specialty Pharma and doing alright. Making around 85k plus car, credit card, and all expenses paid. I'm looking to get back to real sales where I am in control and affect the outcome . I have a background selling capital equipment prior to pharma so I know the difference. Everything on here says this position is awful $$$$ for 2-3 years and company BS constantly. Is a position with Patterson worth it or are these other posters just disgruntled ex-employees?


I'm interviewing for a Patterson Dental TM position. I'm currently in Specialty Pharma and doing alright. Making around 85k plus car, credit card, and all expenses paid. I'm looking to get back to real sales where I am in control and affect the outcome . I have a background selling capital equipment prior to pharma so I know the difference. Everything on here says this position is awful $$$$ for 2-3 years and company BS constantly. Is a position with Patterson worth it or are these other posters just disgruntled ex-employees?

Go to the Dental board lots of info on them if you were not aware.

I've been out of the industry for a long time but new Patterson reps usually started off with scrap accounts that no one wanted. All of the good accounts were picked over before new reps were hired. Starting with scraps makes it extremely difficult for the first few basically show up at accounts that don't talk to you or buy from you over and over and over again until they feel bad and throw you a bone or their other Shein/Benco rep pisses them off and they need a new guy. Those that could hang in there for a few years eventually developed good territories with good QOL. Top reps can make like $300k but I think $120k+ after a 3-5 years is more realistic.

People view them as order takers but a LOT of hunting, follow-up and relationship development is required to become an "order taker" with loyal customers.