pharma cafe posts are entertaining!!!


I am happy to say that I have been out of pharma for a while now, but still find these pharma café posts very entertaining. It is like The National Enquirerer. You know most of it is purely BS, but if you have any idle time it is one way to waste it. It seems like someone is always complaining about what size their car is, how big their IC goals are, how small their... never mind! Just the fact that anyone is reading this stupid post is entertaining. As a rep. we drove around all day trying to look important in a fancy suit, lucky to see 20 percent of the people we were suppose to see on a GOOD day. Then we would get in our "inner circles" to talk about how we were going to "drive our business to the next level", and end the meeting or call with the catch phrase, "Good Selling". Hell sell what??? You have to see someone to sell them something. What is even funnier is all the strategizing that goes in to pretty much doing nothing... but it still pays pretty well. Now that this is not my career anymore... I can finally come out and admit it. Like the National Equirerer... it is a lot of pure BS.


The top 10 pharma companies profited over 90 Billion in 2013.
Your post here on CP reveals your small minded, weak, limited abilities as a professional, and the fact that you admit you are entertained by bs and made up posts tells me you have the brain function and attention level as a teenage girl who watches real housewives of anything.
thank you for leaving BI, and I hope you get yourself turned around for the sake of the company whose paying you in hopes that one day you grow up and see the light.

You still don't sell anything young Jedi. Formlaries move the product. How many times a day do you say"it is on United"? Keep dreaming young Jedi. When you get laid off and try to interview you will realize what a joke pharma is young Jedi.

To the first responder. You are the reason this site is so entertaining. It takes very little to turn your crank and hide behind an anonymous post. You spout off like a broken fire hydrant. And don't come crawling to someone like me when you find yourself out on your ass looking for another career. The pharma sales bubble is bursting, and at best you will be lucky to retire on a contract sales job unless you are only a few years from retirement. (Judging by your post, you don't sound mature enough to be in that position.)

Oh, also to responder #1, my small-minded, weak, limited abilities as a sales professional just landed 2 deals this week that probably pay more than you make in a month. I am also well on track to win a trip to Cancun. How does your strong-minded, unlimited abilities as a sales professional compare to that? Ooops I forgot you have to wait a few months until your "sales" data comes in to have any idea of what your IC payout is going to be. Hell, you have no idea what or even if you have sold anything this month. Let's hear your brainless response to that.

Lets face it...CP is entertaining......why else would so many people come back? Maybe a way for the frustrated to vent...but then it should have been named Café Dr. Phil.