PH1 patients rarer than a Tequila Splifin


DEC. 30, 2021 — As the nation prepares to ring in the new year, the U.S. Census Bureau today projected the U.S. population will be 332,403,650 on Jan. 1, 2022. This represents an increase of 706,899, or 0.21%, since New Year’s Day 2021, and 954,369, or 0.29%, since Census Day (April 1) 2020.

Is the USA population number of 332m use to obtain the Rare Disease potential?


  1. Tequila Splitfin
    Current Estimated Numbers: fewer than 500
    Range (Location): Rio Teuchitlan of the Rio Ameca drainage in Mexico
    Size of Range: A single pool 4 m (13 ft) in diameter
    Scientific Name: Zoogoneticus tequila
    Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR)

  1. The Tequila Splitfin is a tiny fish only found in a small spring pool in Rio Teuchitlan, Mexico. Scientists believed that the Tequila Splitfin had gone extinct as collection efforts since 1992 turned up no specimens. However, the only known remaining population of Tequila Splitfins was discovered in 2005. It is estimated that there may only be about 500 Tequila Splitfins, with only 50 adult fish, in this remaining population.

    Fortunately, there are currently conservation efforts to help rebuild the wild population of Tequila Splitfins. The Mexican Fish Ark based at the University of Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo has been breeding several species of endangered goodeids, including the Tequila Splitfin. In 2017, the conservationists released about 700 Tequila Splitfins back into the wild and hope that the species can recover.