Pfizer Reps need Union to Protect Rights


Reps need a Union badly. To prevent employee abuse at Pfizer & protect our benefits. Ridiculous how Pfizer abuses some things with their employees to cut costs or pass costs to reps.

Like increasing our monthly Medical Healthcare costs 2-3x higher than other companies (husband works Novo & last year we switch to his plan. With Pfizer for family total medical/dental/life was 1200 a month -,600 paycheck. Novo for exact same coverages total is only 450 month 225 paycheck. We save 750 a month! Cash in pocket so i need to make 1400 more a month to save that 750 ! (Or i have to make $17,000 more gross a yr to bring home that extra 9k yr/750m. So by switching to Novo insurance, we gave ourself a $17k yr raise... with 2-3% merits it will take my 12yrs to get 17k more salary)

Taking our Pensions that would be $2million after 30yrs. (As Ian said in 2015 townhall, tough decision but he needed those assets for R&D which in 5yrs yielded nothing)

Eliminating Retirement Healthcare & Rx benefits for older reps. Replacing w a medical act that you never see & only pays for your prem until 62 1/2 & you must use pfizer insurance which they say costs 4k a monthfor 2 people??????? I can walk into BCBS off street & get same medical plan for 1000 month.

Increasing co car charges to 175 (my husband is ZERO)

Rx co-pay up to $50 on some brands. Most co still $15-20 co pay talking w my pharma friends. ER visits from 50 to 500.

Lowering severance at a whim from 3weeks per yr to 1wk per yr. And eliminating lump sum payouts- instead of lump sum Pfizer now just keeps you on payroll for severed wks

Paying our EARNED 401k match instead each paycheck when reps contribute, to just once a Quarter 3 months in arrears.

Replacing RSU true stock more w TRSU that expire worth & pfizer controls. For reps they say $9k a yr value but look at details- only 4k is RSU stock, rest TRSU w a 42 strike price that odds are will expire worthless

Pfizer has SOME good things but nothing that is different than other companies good things, however they are so big by cutting costs at employee exp or passing costs to employees they save tens of millions a year at our expense.
A UNION would prevent this.
Airlines, Auto, Factory, even Actors have Unions so about time Pharma has one to protect our rights & benefits.
Need a UNION asap & now during the crisis is the best time to get a search firm to find one. Who is going to be the brave sole that starts the movement??


I retired from AZ after over 35 years in 2012. We had a defined benefit pension plan where we could take a lump sum. We had retiree/spouse health benefits until Medicare age. AZ treated us very well. A friend of mine from Pfizer, former Parke Davis, told me they were going to change Pfizer’s pension plan. This was before I retired. She quickly decided to leave Pfizer with the pension she had. Then things started to change across the industry.

I can remember talk of forming a union 30 years ago. It never happened. Someone has to be the person to get the ball rolling, and not a single person across the industry stepped forward, at least that I know of. Pfizer seems to be particularly brutal when dealing with things like this. They always give some BS excuse that is a total lie. But Pfizer is not alone, I’m sure.

I would love to see reps form a union, but it will never happen. They hold all the cards, and you are nothing more than a territory number. Good luck.

Reps need a Union badly. To prevent employee abuse at Pfizer & protect our benefits. Ridiculous how Pfizer abuses some things with their employees to cut costs or pass costs to reps.

Like increasing our monthly Medical Healthcare costs 2-3x higher than other companies (husband works Novo & last year we switch to his plan. With Pfizer for family total medical/dental/life was 1200 a month -,600 paycheck. Novo for exact same coverages total is only 450 month 225 paycheck. We save 750 a month! Cash in pocket so i need to make 1400 more a month to save that 750 ! (Or i have to make $17,000 more gross a yr to bring home that extra 9k yr/750m. So by switching to Novo insurance, we gave ourself a $17k yr raise... with 2-3% merits it will take my 12yrs to get 17k more salary)

Taking our Pensions that would be $2million after 30yrs. (As Ian said in 2015 townhall, tough decision but he needed those assets for R&D which in 5yrs yielded nothing)

Eliminating Retirement Healthcare & Rx benefits for older reps. Replacing w a medical act that you never see & only pays for your prem until 62 1/2 & you must use pfizer insurance which they say costs 4k a monthfor 2 people??????? I can walk into BCBS off street & get same medical plan for 1000 month.

Increasing co car charges to 175 (my husband is ZERO)

Rx co-pay up to $50 on some brands. Most co still $15-20 co pay talking w my pharma friends. ER visits from 50 to 500.

Lowering severance at a whim from 3weeks per yr to 1wk per yr. And eliminating lump sum payouts- instead of lump sum Pfizer now just keeps you on payroll for severed wks

Paying our EARNED 401k match instead each paycheck when reps contribute, to just once a Quarter 3 months in arrears.

Replacing RSU true stock more w TRSU that expire worth & pfizer controls. For reps they say $9k a yr value but look at details- only 4k is RSU stock, rest TRSU w a 42 strike price that odds are will expire worthless

Pfizer has SOME good things but nothing that is different than other companies good things, however they are so big by cutting costs at employee exp or passing costs to employees they save tens of millions a year at our expense.
A UNION would prevent this.
Airlines, Auto, Factory, even Actors have Unions so about time Pharma has one to protect our rights & benefits.
Need a UNION asap & now during the crisis is the best time to get a search firm to find one. Who is going to be the brave sole that starts the movement??

Socialism at its finest. Are you a far leftist, radical, New Deal AOC Democrat? Be grateful and thankful you earn a paycheck here.

Relentless commies. Go start your own company and give away all of your profits to your employees. Live your dream world. Stop forcing your ultimately evil failed dreams on everyone else.

Freedom and Unions don’t coexist unless all involved consent. Get that through your short sided heads!

I don’t work for Pfizer but saw this thread... pharma reps are not respected outside of our industry because we all know this job is a joke. We get paid really really good money to do very little. A union will destroy what good this job has left! If you are unhappy with Pfizer there are a million rep jobs out there to be had with amazing companies! They treat you like an adult, pay great wages and you sell products that people really need. Not me too drugs. So brush off your resume and take a look what it’s like outside of Pfizer. Some industries need protection. We do not! I even work for a company where family health insurance is free! Yes free! So don’t destroy what good jobs are out there because you can’t get out of your own way to look at a real company. This is on you.

Reps need a Union badly. To prevent employee abuse at Pfizer & protect our benefits. Ridiculous how Pfizer abuses some things with their employees to cut costs or pass costs to reps.

Like increasing our monthly Medical Healthcare costs 2-3x higher than other companies (husband works Novo & last year we switch to his plan. With Pfizer for family total medical/dental/life was 1200 a month -,600 paycheck. Novo for exact same coverages total is only 450 month 225 paycheck. We save 750 a month! Cash in pocket so i need to make 1400 more a month to save that 750 ! (Or i have to make $17,000 more gross a yr to bring home that extra 9k yr/750m. So by switching to Novo insurance, we gave ourself a $17k yr raise... with 2-3% merits it will take my 12yrs to get 17k more salary)

Taking our Pensions that would be $2million after 30yrs. (As Ian said in 2015 townhall, tough decision but he needed those assets for R&D which in 5yrs yielded nothing)

Eliminating Retirement Healthcare & Rx benefits for older reps. Replacing w a medical act that you never see & only pays for your prem until 62 1/2 & you must use pfizer insurance which they say costs 4k a monthfor 2 people??????? I can walk into BCBS off street & get same medical plan for 1000 month.

Increasing co car charges to 175 (my husband is ZERO)

Rx co-pay up to $50 on some brands. Most co still $15-20 co pay talking w my pharma friends. ER visits from 50 to 500.

Lowering severance at a whim from 3weeks per yr to 1wk per yr. And eliminating lump sum payouts- instead of lump sum Pfizer now just keeps you on payroll for severed wks

Paying our EARNED 401k match instead each paycheck when reps contribute, to just once a Quarter 3 months in arrears.

Replacing RSU true stock more w TRSU that expire worth & pfizer controls. For reps they say $9k a yr value but look at details- only 4k is RSU stock, rest TRSU w a 42 strike price that odds are will expire worthless

Pfizer has SOME good things but nothing that is different than other companies good things, however they are so big by cutting costs at employee exp or passing costs to employees they save tens of millions a year at our expense.
A UNION would prevent this.
Airlines, Auto, Factory, even Actors have Unions so about time Pharma has one to protect our rights & benefits.
Need a UNION asap & now during the crisis is the best time to get a search firm to find one. Who is going to be the brave sole that starts the movement??

Don’t bitch and moan; just get the hell out of PFE. It’s a dying company, why die with it?

Don’t bitch and moan; just get the hell out of PFE. It’s a dying company, why die with it?
True, why go down with the inferno !
Pfizer global is a total mess then some division are even worse if that can even be possible!
I see the co imploading & self destruct as its the path during the last 2yrs.
Then they will sell or spinoff more products to other companies like they did w $20 billion to Mylan.
The rest will be broken up like abbott did

The past 5 yrs, Pfizer has taken taken taken from employees & continue to take until the reps will be paying Pfizer to work for them.
(Moving to a virtual platform for good in some markets anyway)
So 100% Pharma needs a Union to protect the reps!

Reps need a Union badly. To prevent employee abuse at Pfizer & protect our benefits. Ridiculous how Pfizer abuses some things with their employees to cut costs or pass costs to reps.

Like increasing our monthly Medical Healthcare costs 2-3x higher than other companies (husband works Novo & last year we switch to his plan. With Pfizer for family total medical/dental/life was 1200 a month -,600 paycheck. Novo for exact same coverages total is only 450 month 225 paycheck. We save 750 a month! Cash in pocket so i need to make 1400 more a month to save that 750 ! (Or i have to make $17,000 more gross a yr to bring home that extra 9k yr/750m. So by switching to Novo insurance, we gave ourself a $17k yr raise... with 2-3% merits it will take my 12yrs to get 17k more salary)

Taking our Pensions that would be $2million after 30yrs. (As Ian said in 2015 townhall, tough decision but he needed those assets for R&D which in 5yrs yielded nothing)

Eliminating Retirement Healthcare & Rx benefits for older reps. Replacing w a medical act that you never see & only pays for your prem until 62 1/2 & you must use pfizer insurance which they say costs 4k a monthfor 2 people??????? I can walk into BCBS off street & get same medical plan for 1000 month.

Increasing co car charges to 175 (my husband is ZERO)

Rx co-pay up to $50 on some brands. Most co still $15-20 co pay talking w my pharma friends. ER visits from 50 to 500.

Lowering severance at a whim from 3weeks per yr to 1wk per yr. And eliminating lump sum payouts- instead of lump sum Pfizer now just keeps you on payroll for severed wks

Paying our EARNED 401k match instead each paycheck when reps contribute, to just once a Quarter 3 months in arrears.

Replacing RSU true stock more w TRSU that expire worth & pfizer controls. For reps they say $9k a yr value but look at details- only 4k is RSU stock, rest TRSU w a 42 strike price that odds are will expire worthless

Pfizer has SOME good things but nothing that is different than other companies good things, however they are so big by cutting costs at employee exp or passing costs to employees they save tens of millions a year at our expense.
A UNION would prevent this.
Airlines, Auto, Factory, even Actors have Unions so about time Pharma has one to protect our rights & benefits.
Need a UNION asap & now during the crisis is the best time to get a search firm to find one. Who is going to be the brave sole that starts the movement??

You're just an old hag with no skills- Get it? If you had any spine or skillset you would have changed employers when they took away important things from you.

Personally, I think out benefits are great. Ultimately this is a great supplemental income to my side company, which isn't huge but provides a good income.

Reps need a Union badly. To prevent employee abuse at Pfizer & protect our benefits. Ridiculous how Pfizer abuses some things with their employees to cut costs or pass costs to reps.

Like increasing our monthly Medical Healthcare costs 2-3x higher than other companies (husband works Novo & last year we switch to his plan. With Pfizer for family total medical/dental/life was 1200 a month -,600 paycheck. Novo for exact same coverages total is only 450 month 225 paycheck. We save 750 a month! Cash in pocket so i need to make 1400 more a month to save that 750 ! (Or i have to make $17,000 more gross a yr to bring home that extra 9k yr/750m. So by switching to Novo insurance, we gave ourself a $17k yr raise... with 2-3% merits it will take my 12yrs to get 17k more salary)

Taking our Pensions that would be $2million after 30yrs. (As Ian said in 2015 townhall, tough decision but he needed those assets for R&D which in 5yrs yielded nothing)

Eliminating Retirement Healthcare & Rx benefits for older reps. Replacing w a medical act that you never see & only pays for your prem until 62 1/2 & you must use pfizer insurance which they say costs 4k a monthfor 2 people??????? I can walk into BCBS off street & get same medical plan for 1000 month.

Increasing co car charges to 175 (my husband is ZERO)

Rx co-pay up to $50 on some brands. Most co still $15-20 co pay talking w my pharma friends. ER visits from 50 to 500.

Lowering severance at a whim from 3weeks per yr to 1wk per yr. And eliminating lump sum payouts- instead of lump sum Pfizer now just keeps you on payroll for severed wks

Paying our EARNED 401k match instead each paycheck when reps contribute, to just once a Quarter 3 months in arrears.

Replacing RSU true stock more w TRSU that expire worth & pfizer controls. For reps they say $9k a yr value but look at details- only 4k is RSU stock, rest TRSU w a 42 strike price that odds are will expire worthless

Pfizer has SOME good things but nothing that is different than other companies good things, however they are so big by cutting costs at employee exp or passing costs to employees they save tens of millions a year at our expense.
A UNION would prevent this.
Airlines, Auto, Factory, even Actors have Unions so about time Pharma has one to protect our rights & benefits.
Need a UNION asap & now during the crisis is the best time to get a search firm to find one. Who is going to be the brave sole that starts the movement??
Get real, sweetie, and be thankful for what you have. I am shocked that in this current environment where people are being laid off, furloughed, and dying that you have the gall to complain. Tone deaf!! Go find someplace else but you probably can't. Right? No one will hire you. Try meeting others' real needs and get over yourself.

Get real, sweetie, and be thankful for what you have. I am shocked that in this current environment where people are being laid off, furloughed, and dying that you have the gall to complain. Tone deaf!! Go find someplace else but you probably can't. Right? No one will hire you. Try meeting others' real needs and get over yourself.
Your a free riding 3hr 3 day wk bum.
What pharma co is laying off & furloughed.
10x more people died from flu Jan-March both Globally & in US. Your part of the liberal problem in the world. You will be 1st person to be laid off looser free loader who wants to stay home everyday.
Get a life looser.

Reps need a Union badly. To prevent employee abuse at Pfizer & protect our benefits. Ridiculous how Pfizer abuses some things with their employees to cut costs or pass costs to reps.

Like increasing our monthly Medical Healthcare costs 2-3x higher than other companies (husband works Novo & last year we switch to his plan. With Pfizer for family total medical/dental/life was 1200 a month -,600 paycheck. Novo for exact same coverages total is only 450 month 225 paycheck. We save 750 a month! Cash in pocket so i need to make 1400 more a month to save that 750 ! (Or i have to make $17,000 more gross a yr to bring home that extra 9k yr/750m. So by switching to Novo insurance, we gave ourself a $17k yr raise... with 2-3% merits it will take my 12yrs to get 17k more salary)

Taking our Pensions that would be $2million after 30yrs. (As Ian said in 2015 townhall, tough decision but he needed those assets for R&D which in 5yrs yielded nothing)

Eliminating Retirement Healthcare & Rx benefits for older reps. Replacing w a medical act that you never see & only pays for your prem until 62 1/2 & you must use pfizer insurance which they say costs 4k a monthfor 2 people??????? I can walk into BCBS off street & get same medical plan for 1000 month.

Increasing co car charges to 175 (my husband is ZERO)

Rx co-pay up to $50 on some brands. Most co still $15-20 co pay talking w my pharma friends. ER visits from 50 to 500.

Lowering severance at a whim from 3weeks per yr to 1wk per yr. And eliminating lump sum payouts- instead of lump sum Pfizer now just keeps you on payroll for severed wks

Paying our EARNED 401k match instead each paycheck when reps contribute, to just once a Quarter 3 months in arrears.

Replacing RSU true stock more w TRSU that expire worth & pfizer controls. For reps they say $9k a yr value but look at details- only 4k is RSU stock, rest TRSU w a 42 strike price that odds are will expire worthless

Pfizer has SOME good things but nothing that is different than other companies good things, however they are so big by cutting costs at employee exp or passing costs to employees they save tens of millions a year at our expense.
A UNION would prevent this.
Airlines, Auto, Factory, even Actors have Unions so about time Pharma has one to protect our rights & benefits.
Need a UNION asap & now during the crisis is the best time to get a search firm to find one. Who is going to be the brave sole that starts the movement??
Looks like you know the poor benefits of Pfizer compared to your husbands at Novo.
Another post was a former Pfizer & now retired AZ rep who also said Pfe stinks .
Well I use to be with Pfizer and now BMS which has so much better benefits. Monthly healthcare and rx is 600 less than Pfe.
My wife works at Abbvie and it also is 2x better than Pfe.
If you never worked for different co than Pfizer you can not comment as your are naive shelter under the Blue spell.
Pfizer is only middle of the road with total compensation.(i read recently 48% tile in all of pharma) and their 401k match is one if the worse along with premiums they charge reps for healthcare.

Looks like you know the poor benefits of Pfizer compared to your husbands at Novo.
Another post was a former Pfizer & now retired AZ rep who also said Pfe stinks .
Well I use to be with Pfizer and now BMS which has so much better benefits. Monthly healthcare and rx is 600 less than Pfe.
My wife works at Abbvie and it also is 2x better than Pfe.
If you never worked for different co than Pfizer you can not comment as your are naive shelter under the Blue spell.
Pfizer is only middle of the road with total compensation.(i read recently 48% tile in all of pharma) and their 401k match is one if the worse along with premiums they charge reps for healthcare.
Yep, and HR will proudly tell you that we are “somewhere” in the middle, so say plus or minus 10% of “average”. But we expect 110% superstar performance. Does Arrogance and denial define current “leadership” ?

Yes we need a Union to protect the.employees and keep companies like Pfizer from taking every year and dumping cost on us.
Surprise there was not a revolt when they took reps milion dollars pensions to use for R&D.
Co cars going to 200 m next cycle is only example.

Yes we need a Union to protect the.employees and keep companies like Pfizer from taking every year and dumping cost on us.
Surprise there was not a revolt when they took reps milion dollars pensions to use for R&D.
Co cars going to 200 m next cycle is only example.
you ae lucky there is not a glut go unemployed sales reps out there for PFE to hire and replace you with...hey, wait a minute, there is!!

1st only the clueless business person would stay at Pfizer. Looking at earnings past 1-2-5-10yrs & current state of affairs & pipeline loaded up in Oncology but nowhere else, it is simple business remedial 101

2nd YES Pfizer & ALL pharma need a Union to protect employees interest. When you go to work for a company, you consider ALL benefits and when those benefits are eliminated after you are employed it is part of the reason you decided to work at a company. Those rights need to be protected by ALL industry.
Granted the last 10yrs Pfizer has taken advantage of their employees more than others with eliminating the $1-2million Pension, decrease industry worse 401k match, & tripling employee monthly health care costs among others. But every company employees need a Union.
Until a Union is formed for the industry like Auto, Miners, Sanitation, Actors, Education, etc then 100% control rest w the Pharma companies & zero w employees.