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Pfizer PAC Survey


No opportunity for comments, all multiple choice...so here is my feedback...You want more people to take it seriously, possibly donate? Try putting someone in charge who is NOT an unregistered lobbiest and nationally know campaign bundler for Obama and the Dem Party...Yeah, I am going to donate some of my hard earned money to the PAC, for Sally Sussman to divvy up FAIRLY...lol

No place for comments said everything. I used to donate but pulled it all.

He Carl - I will not be wearing a pin next time and you can suck it!

Why would I give money to a company that lays off sales reps left and right and uses my money for social engineering products to oppress the few white men who remain?

No money for you.

No opportunity for comments, all multiple choice...so here is my feedback...You want more people to take it seriously, possibly donate? Try putting someone in charge who is NOT an unregistered lobbiest and nationally know campaign bundler for Obama and the Dem Party...Yeah, I am going to donate some of my hard earned money to the PAC, for Sally Sussman to divvy up FAIRLY...lol

Sally's daddy took care of her connecting her up politically as a long time bundler, political bundler turned Foreign Ambassador. Evidently political nepotism is a family industry turned corporate ministry now sans Jesse Jackson, Jr?

All while Sally dines with NY elite in her and her partner female novelists home and gets invited to the presidents table annual State Dinner as the first gay couple seated their. Life must be good bundling other people's money. Living high on the flyover country's hog!

Keep those PAC dollars flowing into NYC!!!

Any wonder how Karen Boykins-Towns got her job too?

Pfizer doesn't want people to comment, and that's why it offered no forum to capture and document. Thank goodness for CafePharma to take an internal matter and make it public!! That's Pfizer transparency for you.

Back when Wyeth was in charge, I ran our PAC in the region. The majority of donations went to free-market candidates.

Something changed. The company lost it's values and turned to crony-capitalism. Pfizer decided to sidle up next to Satan in the hopes of currying favor such that Pfizer would be eaten last.

Add on top of this, Kelo vs. New London and Pfizer's role of eviscerating private property rights, and Kindler going to the White House to meet our new Black Emperor, and I was out.

Out of the PAC. Out of the Company.

Back when Wyeth was in charge, I ran our PAC in the region. The majority of donations went to free-market candidates.

Something changed. The company lost it's values and turned to crony-capitalism. Pfizer decided to sidle up next to Satan in the hopes of currying favor such that Pfizer would be eaten last.

Add on top of this, Kelo vs. New London and Pfizer's role of eviscerating private property rights, and Kindler going to the White House to meet our new Black Emperor, and I was out.

Out of the PAC. Out of the Company.

Welcome to PfizerWorld! Eat or be eaten; Dog eat dog.

Anyone who still donates to the PAC really needsmto take a second look at who is running it...look at sussman's political activisim, all very public...do you trust her to objectively donate you dollars based on business, even if it goes against her beliefs? Yeah, not likely...but yet while every other area of Pfizer shrinks, her empire grows...

Anyone who still donates to the PAC really needsmto take a second look at who is running it...look at sussman's political activisim, all very public...do you trust her to objectively donate you dollars based on business, even if it goes against her beliefs? Yeah, not likely...but yet while every other area of Pfizer shrinks, her empire grows...

Pfizer PAC = initiative to push gay rights agenda, liberal socialized medicine to subvert your traditional family and steal your labor in wages like a serf. No matter how you feel a about gay rights, it shouldn't have any place in a corporate lobby campaign subverting Muslim, Christian and other religious beliefs to shame them and stop the practice of personal religions. It's just the facts. Pfizer is dba as Pagan Church, Inc.

Any one else feel "cheesy" about getting e-mail solicitations and required Exchange Meeting lunches forced to hear some political sermon from the pulpit, made awkward by Pfizer passing a donor collection plate to capture enrollee envelopes around the tables from a spokesperson whose job it is to hand checks over to politicians they call upon?

Meanwhile, jobs cut, lunches cut, pens cut, bonuses cut.

Why don't I start whoring out girl scout cookie order forms in company e-mail and approach Pfizer employees for donations in my browncoat at company meetings to get my salesmanship badge of honor?

Job qualification to run Pfizer PAC include the color of your skin, not the content of your character. Civil rights moved backwards since 1965, quotas.

All this PAC stuff, regardless of the Party, is really disgusting and attempts to intimidate employees for management metrics. Should be stopped and eliminated from the HR bag of tricks!! Just not appropriate.

Any one else feel "cheesy" about getting e-mail solicitations and required Exchange Meeting lunches forced to hear some political sermon from the pulpit, made awkward by Pfizer passing a donor collection plate to capture enrollee envelopes around the tables from a spokesperson whose job it is to hand checks over to politicians they call upon?

Meanwhile, jobs cut, lunches cut, pens cut, bonuses cut.

Why don't I start whoring out girl scout cookie order forms in company e-mail and approach Pfizer employees for donations in my browncoat at company meetings to get my salesmanship badge of honor?
Yes, and I have told them to remove me from the distribution list but yet I keep getting the email. Pfizer PAC is about the shadiest operation I have seen, given the leadership...something an aggressive investigative journalist may very well be interested in digging into...the PAC for the largest pharma company in the world, being run by an unregistered DEM lobbiest, someone who organized and hosted campaign fund raising events for Obama...responsible for managing your PAC contributions and spending it based on the best interests of the business...no one in their right mind would buy into this, may as well send Sussmann a blank check

ah yes, the Pfizer PAC lead by Sussman, the same woman who pushed Pfizer and pharma support of Obamacare with Kindler, then the current CEO states in a townhall that it is a bad law and not good for pharma...yet she is still here, growing her org. and leading the PAC...

I started to fill out this survey, looking for a place to provide feedback...when I realized there was no such opportunity, I knew they did not want to hear the truth so I stopped...

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