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Pfizer Media relations & Gov. Relations


I heard that some good people got let go this week and that others like Bryon Wornson have to interview for their jobs. . . how insulting to have to interview for your current job. It has to be demoralizing, why does Pfizer ask people to interview for their current jobs?

The interviews are nothing more than HR covering their legal asses. At that level the decisions are made long before the interviews. Its a complete dog and pony show. The SD's had to go through that for the RBD positions and the interviews were dehumanizing in their falseness. Three SD's told me they were using the interview forms for DBM positions and asking routine questions and not even paying attention. Just more of the great leadership of Pfizer. Zero authenticity, zero ability to lead and engage people, and the financial results speak for themselves. Revenues are laughable as are these pathetic excuses for leaders.

Just sayin.

That guy takes credit for everyone else's work, he is about self promotion and undermining others not a team player. Don't feel sorry for Wornson. The Dm's in WI call him the "worm"

The interviews are nothing more than HR covering their legal asses. At that level the decisions are made long before the interviews. Its a complete dog and pony show. The SD's had to go through that for the RBD positions and the interviews were dehumanizing in their falseness. Three SD's told me they were using the interview forms for DBM positions and asking routine questions and not even paying attention. Just more of the great leadership of Pfizer. Zero authenticity, zero ability to lead and engage people, and the financial results speak for themselves. Revenues are laughable as are these pathetic excuses for leaders.

Just sayin.

Just sayin'.,..stop on.
authenticity died when lawyers & the politicians took over.

I will will speak for the Wisconsin team and no this is not Bryon, we loved him and he was and still is a huge help to us. Whoever you are, we know you are not in primary care WI, so shove off loser and if you are going to smear someone, don't try and put it on people from another area. You are probably someone competing for his job.

Nice try LOSER!

Layoffs occurred but the cliques remain. No one has taken a serious look at this entire group for years. The media or public affairs arm is a complete waste of money and since Rich Bagger was in charge there has been no one who knows what they're doing leading the policy agenda. The new guy in DC just doesn't want to make waves.

MH was a Kindler crony with zero experience and he was put in charge. He's a really good guy, but he was set up to fail by the liberal zealot. Since then, we are indeed a rudderless ship. Goes back to Read and his sell outs. Padding their pockets and retirements while the house crumbles from the inside out.

The interviews are nothing more than HR covering their legal asses. At that level the decisions are made long before the interviews. Its a complete dog and pony show. The SD's had to go through that for the RBD positions and the interviews were dehumanizing in their falseness. Three SD's told me they were using the interview forms for DBM positions and asking routine questions and not even paying attention. Just more of the great leadership of Pfizer. Zero authenticity, zero ability to lead and engage people, and the financial results speak for themselves. Revenues are laughable as are these pathetic excuses for leaders.

Just sayin.

they munch on ripple chips

Bagger knew his stuff and he drove the agenda for the HQ policy group and the DC office for years, including Pfizer's policy agenda at PhRMA. Kindler/Sussman/Beatty purged Bagger and pretty much anyone else in Policy/DC office who was a Republican (including the older woman who used to run Policy under Bagger). To survive, you had to be solidly democratic and support the secret Obamacare deal. Read never cared much for Policy and generally does not value this function.

All this is quite a contrast to 4 years ago (and before) when Pfizer was viewed as the best in the industry in Policy (as was true for most other things). What happened to this company?

Bagger knew his stuff and he drove the agenda for the HQ policy group and the DC office for years, including Pfizer's policy agenda at PhRMA. Kindler/Sussman/Beatty purged Bagger and pretty much anyone else in Policy/DC office who was a Republican (including the older woman who used to run Policy under Bagger). To survive, you had to be solidly democratic and support the secret Obamacare deal. Read never cared much for Policy and generally does not value this function.

All this is quite a contrast to 4 years ago (and before) when Pfizer was viewed as the best in the industry in Policy (as was true for most other things). What happened to this company?

It's what happens when you have leaders who want to be in political office. They suc up to the party in the White House and follow their agenda. They care less about the company and more about the politics.

He may have made a backdoor deal with pharma in order to get their support on his Ocare, however, it wouldn't surprise me if he makes a 360 degree turn. Now Kindler is an advisor to the White House, and who knows how he's turned.

It's one reason why Corporations should not be so blatent about affiliating themselves with one Party. You have to spread the money to both parties, equally and not be so blatant about party affiliation.
Huge textbook lesson.

It's what happens when you have leaders who want to be in political office. They suc up to the party in the White House and follow their agenda. They care less about the company and more about the politics.

He may have made a backdoor deal with pharma in order to get their support on his Ocare, however, it wouldn't surprise me if he makes a 360 degree turn. Now Kindler is an advisor to the White House, and who knows how he's turned.

It's one reason why Corporations should not be so blatent about affiliating themselves with one Party. You have to spread the money to both parties, equally and not be so blatant about party affiliation.
Huge textbook lesson.

You're pathetic; your self-righteous demeanor impresses no one!

You're pathetic; your self-righteous demeanor impresses no one!

Many of us learned from Pfizer, to maintain neutral behavior when it comes to politics. In my and many other opinions, that makes sense and is good judgement. It keeps names and agendas out of the spotlight. People are smart enough to put two and two together. And with this world of Media Mania, one even has to be more careful.

Call it being self-righteous if you want to villianize the person. Personally, I would rather be self-righteous rather than self serving.

Many of us learned from Pfizer, to maintain neutral behavior when it comes to politics. In my and many other opinions, that makes sense and is good judgement. It keeps names and agendas out of the spotlight. People are smart enough to put two and two together. And with this world of Media Mania, one even has to be more careful.

Call it being self-righteous if you want to villianize the person. Personally, I would rather be self-righteous rather than self serving.

don't listen to the PP, the person is a liberal troll going to different Pfizer threads and resorting to name calling...you make a good point and certainly have the right to do it...

don't listen to the PP, the person is a liberal troll going to different Pfizer threads and resorting to name calling...you make a good point and certainly have the right to do it...

Doesn't bother me in the least. I've been an investor in this industry for 25 years. My opinions are based on logical principles and data. In my opinion, A company, the magnitude of this, does not need one sided political "show casers" and larger than life egos. The goal is to provide physicians with Informed treatment decisions for their patients and to keep a vibrant pipeline of unique compounds.

In mine and others opinion, If you play the political game, one should give to each party equally and not exhibit favoritism to one particular party. That is just simply, Public Relations 101.

What the PAC is supposed to do is align with Congressmen who support our views. We find them on both sides of the aisle just as we find enemies (Grassley, McCain, and all the progressives aka liberals). We went wrong with Kindler who put his personal politics and ambitions first, and went full left tilt and pissed off the Republicans, yes that is well known, but his true stupidity was thinking that progressives (liberals) like Waxman would accept Pharma into their camp. That will never ever happen since their beliefs on healthcare are socialist. The game now has to be to align to the blue dog dems, the moderates and win back the republicans friendly to the industry. The bigger problem is the Gov Relations people are extremely polar themselves. When Bagger left, we saw the hiring of the most leftist GRD's in the industry. They are truly nuts. Some have left thank goodness, but inviting Howard Dean in as a friend? Are you insane? Have you listened to his industry views? Just go ahead and invite the wolf into the henhouse.

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