Pfizer is now "A Place that Doesn't Matter"


Based upon the selection criteria used during the layoffs in 09, I can vouch for the fact that "sales do not matter" Remember that sales and performance was the last criteria only to be used in a tie breaker. So there is some truth to a place that doesn't matter!!!
I would expect something similar will happen again no matter how many times they tell you stay focused on selling as this is what will determine who stays, who goes.

Tell us, have you heard this already. Stay focused and sell which will help to keep you as part of the team.

hey haven't you heard, you are on the chopping block if you arent committed to the cause no matter how much you are disrespected, no matter how much more is taken from you, no matter if your boss refuses to acknowledge results if your acivity wasnt pretty enough to make them look good, and for crying out loud you will thank God for Monday's because Pfizer said so, not because God made that day and every day! Woo Hoo not get with the program and make our heirachy some more money so they can spend more time travelling and figuring out ways to stick it to the sales force.

in case you are a non-employee shareholder, can you please tell me if my reach, frequency, and cue use is where you expect it? Oh, what doi you mean you don't know. it is in the financial reporting isnt it? sorry my mistake.

in case you are one of the heirarchy and you are looking for the problems in PFE you can start by waking up in the morning and stare dead into your bathroom mirror. Then you can start finding the managers rewarding activities and not results. sorry, that is anyone on your good side Ian, hate to tell you that, but that is the truth, hope you can handle the truth.

Signed, A Few Good Men and Women sitting in a cafe at the end of the day where we busted ass for you!

The problem is when it comes to pharma sales, there is nothing left that is a good idea. So all the uppers can do is keep you busy chasing your own tils and recycling old ideas and labeling them with new names.

Ever since (hyper)compliance has been instituted, everything we do is not selling. They call it selling, but all we are allowed to do is spew word for word what's in our Icue slides and actually must give fair balance everytime we open our mouths. This includes screaming at the docs as they walk away if you happened to get one beneficial point out while they were signing for the samples. We can't even give metaphors or analogies, seriously we can't, when 'selling' our drugs. How the hell do you sell anything without them?

I know this gig is a joke now with no selling of anything, but why does management have to make it so miserable for us on our road to the eventual unemployment lines? Maybe lighten our loads so we can at least enjoy our times with the customers? Maybe we'd even like our company so we are proud of it.

I know, I'm a dreamer.

This company and this industry are toast. It you couldn't see coming a few years ago, you weren't paying attention. If you can't see it today, you're pathetic. NY Times has reported it, Wall Street called it the cliff 2 years ago. This $%^ is not going to rebound. Do yourself a favor, get out of your mortgage, gut it out for the severance if you've been here for a while. Save as much as you can, then start over. If you haven't been here long, look hard now, but do yourself a favor and get out.

Pfizer has a group looking at new ways to conduct business. The funny thing is that they just put it together this year. Should have been done 5 years ago instead of continuing to pour on the coal and running this Company/industry into a wall. Too many reps and too small of territories killed our customers' support.

All that's left in leadership are overconfident idiots. They have totally lost touch with how real business is conducted. For years, we were successful despite how we conducted business, now we are failing because of how we conducted business for years. Consultants helped get us into this mess, now it seems the consultants actually make more sense than our leadership. That's pathetic.

Good luck everyone

All consultants do is regurgitate what the focus groups and interviewees on the inside tell them. Then they spin it to make it sound really difficult and revolutionary in order to increase their services and contracts. It is a beautiful racket and the eggheads and arrogant ones up top love it because of the apparent, yet false, wow factor and it keep those higher than them even more perplexed. It is a vicious cycle that the parasites create. It is even more amazing that they continue to be duped.

By the way, I left Pfizer 2.5 years ago and I am now one of them...thank you!!!!

All consultants do is regurgitate what the focus groups and interviewees on the inside tell them. Then they spin it to make it sound really difficult and revolutionary in order to increase their services and contracts. It is a beautiful racket and the eggheads and arrogant ones up top love it because of the apparent, yet false, wow factor and it keep those higher than them even more perplexed. It is a vicious cycle that the parasites create. It is even more amazing that they continue to be duped.

By the way, I left Pfizer 2.5 years ago and I am now one of them...thank you!!!!

Yeah, your a dumbass.

Legacy King here, that Pfunny Pflavored Koolaid is making you KRAZY....."thank God for Monday's because Pfizer said so". We about puked a gut when we heard this mantra... and they believe it!!! It's like the pharmaceutical version of The Stepford Wives.

Just give us our severance checks already & release us from this Pfunny Pfarm.

not sure what you're talking about but from my experience, the corporate training people can be very unprofessional and act very silly. I expected nazis but instead got annoying dipshits making inappropriate comments all the time.