Pfizer is no longer an American Company

What are the implications of this merger and us no longer working for a US based company?

If you're a proud American your self-esteem has been hit hard by having to work for an Irish company that is very rich but won't pay their fair share of taxes. Of course, we all know Pfizer will still be run from New York. No way all those fat cats are going to move out of their plush headquarters. A bunch of sad sacks from our New Jersey offices will be dispatched to Ireland to work in a pretend HQ.

If you're a proud American your self-esteem has been hit hard by having to work for an Irish company that is very rich but won't pay their fair share of taxes. Of course, we all know Pfizer will still be run from New York. No way all those fat cats are going to move out of their plush headquarters. A bunch of sad sacks from our New Jersey offices will be dispatched to Ireland to work in a pretend HQ.

Working for Pfizer has always sucked; now it sucks more.
Hope the NY NJ morons wind up in the street begging for their suppers, the worthless turds. I would love to see the Pfizer name just disappear.

Has anyone even explored if this inversion can harm Pfizer's image in the minds of its customers? Somehow I doubt anyone even considered there could be a backlash from clinicians, patients, payers, the government and others.

Dude, America is no longer an American country.

We are in charge now. We own your country and you work for us. Your Republicans sold it to us and your Democrats blessed the sale.

It's only a matter of time before you are bred out. The dominant genes always win.

Europe first. North America next. Eventually, we will eliminate Australia as well and then you are gone.

Working for Pfizer has always sucked; now it sucks more.
Hope the NY NJ morons wind up in the street begging for their suppers, the worthless turds. I would love to see the Pfizer name just disappear.

The NY NJ morons will take their million dollar severances and retire to the Atlantic coast of Florida. It's full of obnoxious NY and NJ turds. The rest of us who will end up in the streets begging. Welcome to America 2015......

If you're a proud American your self-esteem has been hit hard by having to work for an Irish company that is very rich but won't pay their fair share of taxes. Of course, we all know Pfizer will still be run from New York. No way all those fat cats are going to move out of their plush headquarters. A bunch of sad sacks from our New Jersey offices will be dispatched to Ireland to work in a pretend HQ.

Proud Americans hate taxes and don't bemoan others paying less the legal way.

I've known many proud Americans that work for foreign companies. It's not a big deal.

The Irish are still white guys so the racists have no reason to be upset.

Chill out people.

The NY NJ morons will take their million dollar severances and retire to the Atlantic coast of Florida. It's full of obnoxious NY and NJ turds. The rest of us who will end up in the streets begging. Welcome to America 2015......

I live in Delray and you are so right. These turds have ruined FL. Stay in NY and NJ.

Proud Americans hate taxes and don't bemoan others paying less the legal way.

You need to read this article. Then you'll see how the rich have perverted the tax system to avoid paying their fair share. There's a graph that shows how their taxes have dramatically dropped over the last 20 years. These are the people who have more money than they can ever spend but as New York heiress Leona Helmsley famously stated: "Only little people pay taxes".

To reduce their tax bill, Pfizer loaned billions to Allergan so this Irish company could buy Pfizer, then rename themselves Pfizer and be run from New York. This may be legal (barely) but it's sleazy and irresponsible. Pfizer is one of the richest corporations in America and paying 25% in taxes was appropriate.

I'm sure you're a Republican and the party dogma is to always pay less taxes but when there's not enough tax revenue to go around, who's going to pay for your grandparents Medicare, your cousin's SS Disability and fixing the roads in your state? This is a rhetorical question so don't bother to response with more Conservative dogma. Nobody wants to hear that mindless crap.

when you see all the spending waste, fraud, corruption, graft, etc that our tax dollars pay for, is it any wonder why people and businesses don't want to pay taxes, or at least reduce their tax load?? If this waste of mo ey were stopped, there would be no multi trillion dollar debt, companies would have more money to invest in people and products; people would have more money to spend and would bring this country out of its recession.
I despise Pfizer, but they are no different than most of the large multi-national companies that hide their money overseas....GE, Microsoft, Apple, Caterpillar, Exxon, IBM, most of our Congressman, Senators, etc. have overseas acts to hide their bribes. If I had that kind of money, I......and you, would hide it too.

You need to read this article. Then you'll see how the rich have perverted the tax system to avoid paying their fair share. There's a graph that shows how their taxes have dramatically dropped over the last 20 years. These are the people who have more money than they can ever spend but as New York heiress Leona Helmsley famously stated: "Only little people pay taxes".

To reduce their tax bill, Pfizer loaned billions to Allergan so this Irish company could buy Pfizer, then rename themselves Pfizer and be run from New York. This may be legal (barely) but it's sleazy and irresponsible. Pfizer is one of the richest corporations in America and paying 25% in taxes was appropriate.

I'm sure you're a Republican and the party dogma is to always pay less taxes but when there's not enough tax revenue to go around, who's going to pay for your grandparents Medicare, your cousin's SS Disability and fixing the roads in your state? This is a rhetorical question so don't bother to response with more Conservative dogma. Nobody wants to hear that mindless crap.

It's really sleepy and irresponsible on the part of both Pfizer and Allergan. And they should both be ashamed. Why doesn't the media cover this merger? Why don't the presidential candidates bring it up? Come on Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump. Come on congress. Come on IRS. Do something to stop this merger.

You need to read this article. Then you'll see how the rich have perverted the tax system to avoid paying their fair share. There's a graph that shows how their taxes have dramatically dropped over the last 20 years. These are the people who have more money than they can ever spend but as New York heiress Leona Helmsley famously stated: "Only little people pay taxes".

To reduce their tax bill, Pfizer loaned billions to Allergan so this Irish company could buy Pfizer, then rename themselves Pfizer and be run from New York. This may be legal (barely) but it's sleazy and irresponsible. Pfizer is one of the richest corporations in America and paying 25% in taxes was appropriate.

I'm sure you're a Republican and the party dogma is to always pay less taxes but when there's not enough tax revenue to go around, who's going to pay for your grandparents Medicare, your cousin's SS Disability and fixing the roads in your state? This is a rhetorical question so don't bother to response with more Conservative dogma. Nobody wants to hear that mindless crap.


Pretending that democrats, socialists and liberals don't do everything possible to avoid paying taxes is the dogma you preach, man.

What a joke. You're the dogmatic one. I just spoke the truth.

QUOTE "To reduce their tax bill, Pfizer loaned billions to Allergan so this Irish company could buy Pfizer, then rename themselves Pfizer and be run from New York."

Irish?! Just a quick reminder, Allergan was a SoCal-based biotech until nine months ago.

Greedy A$$-hole Ackman created this whole situation that has gone from bad to worse with Saunders. Now we're stuck with another greedy bastard as bad as Pearson would have been, in a different way. Turn another deal and line your pockets with hundreds of millions, BS. It's all you know.

Too bad the Allergan name got trashed along with the company.


Pretending that democrats, socialists and liberals don't do everything possible to avoid paying taxes is the dogma you preach, man.

What a joke. You're the dogmatic one. I just spoke the truth.

Typical Republican response - ignore the facts presented to you and stick with party dogma. It's the same with global warming - ignore the facts. Same with gun violence - ignore the facts. Like every other Republican, you lack honestly and integrity.

Typical Republican response - ignore the facts presented to you and stick with party dogma. It's the same with global warming - ignore the facts. Same with gun violence - ignore the facts. Like every other Republican, you lack honestly and integrity.

You make stereotypes and broad sweeping statements against half the voting population based solely on their political affiliation. And then you have the nerve to accuse people of "stick(ing) with party dogma." OMG it's so laughable. It's also absolutely discredits you - the hypocrisy is so thick it can't be ignored.

Now go shop for your Obamacare plan and don't forget to stick $6-8k away to be able to pay for your ever increasing deductible. Oh....too much party dogma....sorry......

It is a "for profit" company and any smart company would try to save $ on taxes. Everyone needn't spend like the government. No wonder everyone today is helping out their kids; the jobs are outsourced, eliminated, merged, etc. and everyone else is taxed out of their kadoodle.

Forbes is asking:

Pfizer: Its merger with Allergan moves its tax domicile to Ireland and provides for more growth. What’s next? Will the company break up? What will the PR impact of the merger be?

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