Pfizer expects signatures by 8:30AM and 4:30PM every day

Punching in at 8:30 and out at 4:30....It's starting to sound like pharma is becoming a retail sales job....."would you like samples (fries) with that?". I'll be working the drive thru, you know.....handing out samples at the receptionist counter.

dont worry once the iPad hits you wont have a choice

This. I have done much research on the iPad. It records your calls live via it's data cell connection with integrated gps. No work around on it. It's not going to be pretty and will force reps just to play more games because big brother is watching. Judge us on our sales. Save the time and money. That's it. That is how 99% of the sales world does biz. Underperformers get cut.

This. I have done much research on the iPad. It records your calls live via it's data cell connection with integrated gps. No work around on it. It's not going to be pretty and will force reps just to play more games because big brother is watching. Judge us on our sales. Save the time and money. That's it. That is how 99% of the sales world does biz. Underperformers get cut.

Don't worry I'll be the one in the hospitals cafeteria from 9-11 M-F
winging calls from those "walk by" physcians

This. I have done much research on the iPad. It records your calls live via it's data cell connection with integrated gps. No work around on it. It's not going to be pretty and will force reps just to play more games because big brother is watching. Judge us on our sales. Save the time and money. That's it. That is how 99% of the sales world does biz. Underperformers get cut.

The biz world doesn't have the statistical models for GOALING that Novartis does....and with all the estimated data. When I worked straight commission I knew that if I sold $100,000 worth of goods I made 10%, and that's what I got paid before taxes...$10,000. Here I sell more this quarter than last and can be penalized!

Don't worry I'll be the one in the hospitals cafeteria from 9-11 M-F
winging calls from those "walk by" physcians

The new question all RD's (sorry I have a hard time calling those dunces MD's)
will be asking the District Monkies ;
" how come your reps are all doing hospital displays of all of a sudden ?"

This. I have done much research on the iPad. It records your calls live via it's data cell connection with integrated gps. No work around on it. It's not going to be pretty and will force reps just to play more games because big brother is watching. Judge us on our sales. Save the time and money. That's it. That is how 99% of the sales world does biz. Underperformers get cut.

Nice in theory but idiots who think they "won" the overtime lawsuit pretty much ended any chance of that. Not only will you be gps tracked, but that's how it will be determined how many hours you get paid for too.

This. I have done much research on the iPad. It records your calls live via it's data cell connection with integrated gps. No work around on it. It's not going to be pretty and will force reps just to play more games because big brother is watching. Judge us on our sales. Save the time and money. That's it. That is how 99% of the sales world does biz. Underperformers get cut.

Try this for a workaround, about 45 seconds in a microwave then you go to paper.