Pfizer declines politicians request re: saving US Jobs


So the master plan is dumping research in Great Britain? And to move headquarters to the UK in order to avoid paying US taxes?

Wow! What a jerk! Historically, when we buy out other companies, stock goes down.

Ian, this is Not Good for the Stockholders and bad news for Employees!

So the master plan is dumping research in Great Britain? And to move headquarters to the UK in order to avoid paying US taxes?

Wow! What a jerk! Historically, when we buy out other companies, stock goes down.

Ian, this is Not Good for the Stockholders and bad news for Employees!

How has Pfizers stock compared to the overall market and other companies like BMS post mergers. The reality is it has done poorly. Look at the stock price where it was and where it is now. The mergers were not beneficial to the shareholders, employees of all the companies it took over (including their own) and the country in general since it contributed to unemployment, reduced R&D,etc. The reality is Pfizer is a poorly run company who sole existence is to enrich the ELT. They are doing quite nicely thank you!

How has Pfizers stock compared to the overall market and other companies like BMS post mergers. The reality is it has done poorly. Look at the stock price where it was and where it is now. The mergers were not beneficial to the shareholders, employees of all the companies it took over (including their own) and the country in general since it contributed to unemployment, reduced R&D,etc. The reality is Pfizer is a poorly run company who sole existence is to enrich the ELT. They are doing quite nicely thank you!

Quite Right. It's all about enriching themselves. Dumping PFE before it dumps Me!

How has Pfizers stock compared to the overall market and other companies like BMS post mergers. The reality is it has done poorly. Look at the stock price where it was and where it is now. The mergers were not beneficial to the shareholders, employees of all the companies it took over (including their own) and the country in general since it contributed to unemployment, reduced R&D,etc. The reality is Pfizer is a poorly run company who sole existence is to enrich the ELT. They are doing quite nicely thank you!

240 billion spent since Warner-Lambert, Pharmacia & Wyeth acquisitions and 185 billion today's market cap for PFE-not good. Pfizer doesn't develop anything, it's run like Romney, Bain & Co more financialyl innovative than pharmaceutically driven.

Remember Ian has no real ties to the USA. He's faithful to his homeland.

No ties to USA sounds very familiar to Wyeth CEO Bernard Pussout who was French and did what the the French do best-surrendar-as soon as Kindler gave him a call. Kindler couldn't crack Bob Essner(previous CEO) so all he had to do was wait till Frenchie took over.

240 billion spent since Warner-Lambert, Pharmacia & Wyeth acquisitions and 185 billion today's market cap for PFE-not good. Pfizer doesn't develop anything, it's run like Romney, Bain & Co more financialyl innovative than pharmaceutically driven.

Pfizer has to keep buying and gutting organizations, so it can stay afloat. Without the acquisitions, there would be no Pfizer. They can't develop anything on their own.

I hope some one will nix this deal as it's another death blow to pharma industry and science.

Pfizer has to keep buying and gutting organizations, so it can stay afloat. Without the acquisitions, there would be no Pfizer. They can't develop anything on their own.

I hope some one will nix this deal as it's another death blow to pharma industry and science.

The major blow back on sharknado Pfizer only proves that Pfizer has completely destroyed its reputation with negative views from society, the UK and now 6 US Senators asking to block the deal. Pfizer is a vulture leveraged buyout company, not an innovative pharma co seeking to partner with Wall Street to destroy the asset class for quick-term profits and dividends.

The major blow back on sharknado Pfizer only proves that Pfizer has completely destroyed its reputation with negative views from society, the UK and now 6 US Senators asking to block the deal. Pfizer is a vulture leveraged buyout company, not an innovative pharma co seeking to partner with Wall Street to destroy the asset class for quick-term profits and dividends.

Please refrain from insulting vultures. Vultures at least wait until it's prey is dead. Pfizer is parasitic that engulfs it prey while it is leaving

All the politicians are doing is trying to get in the local press so they can impress the uneducated voters in the UK. The don't give a rat's ass if Pfizer buys AZ or not! it's none of their damn business anyway! What country, other than the UK, would push away what would be the world's largest pharma company??? Politicians are by the very nature corrupt and self- serving. They all make me want to puke!

All the politicians are doing is trying to get in the local press so they can impress the uneducated voters in the UK. The don't give a rat's ass if Pfizer buys AZ or not! it's none of their damn business anyway! What country, other than the UK, would push away what would be the world's largest pharma company??? Politicians are by the very nature corrupt and self- serving. They all make me want to puke!

This is an example of the lack of intelligence that is ruining this country. Someone who does not have a clue about why Pfizer is leaving the US, and what impact that would have on US tax revenues that are much needed to support all of the entitlement programs that are probably supported by the post above. They think this is all about air time for politicians. Really?

This is an example of the lack of intelligence that is ruining this country. Someone who does not have a clue about why Pfizer is leaving the US, and what impact that would have on US tax revenues that are much needed to support all of the entitlement programs that are probably supported by the post above. They think this is all about air time for politicians. Really?

Pfizer pushed for Obamacare passage: Pfizer should pay the bill as well.

Pfizer needs to shift its tax base out of the US - taxes are far too high compared to most other nations which will hurt the company as it competes globally. That is the fault of our government which is of, by and for the people.

Pfizer helped with Obamacare - It was coming with an extreme radical left president and super majorities in the house and senate. The device industry refused to get in the sand box and now has a tax on gross income. The device industry is losing jobs and getting killed by what adds up to a 70%-85% tax for some companies. Lying down with dogs might be the thing to do when dogs are in charge of everything. That is the fault of the government which is of, for and by the people.

Gauranteeing American jobs is stupid for a global company - America is hiking the minimum wage, even pegging it to inflation in some states. America is deploying its IRS and Homeland Security and Bureau of Land Management and EPA to steal and destroy and crush its citizens in unconstitutional ways with impunity. The NSA spies on citizens and searches and seizures no longer require warrants in many cases. Americans voted for all this when the put people in charge that would do and allow all this. Why would anyone guarantee anything to an American when nothing is gaur anted back?

This is a totalitarian states of America. American ignorance is staggering and freedom is being rapidly lost. And then you idiots ask - why would a company leave the US and not protect US jobs? Companies are protecting themselves by getting out. Smart people will leave too? Why do you love your country? Because you're born there? How about because you're free and unmolested by your government? What do you love more? A country or your freedom? One day you may have to choose.

Pfizer needs to shift its tax base out of the US - taxes are far too high compared to most other nations which will hurt the company as it competes globally. That is the fault of our government which is of, by and for the people.

Pfizer helped with Obamacare - It was coming with an extreme radical left president and super majorities in the house and senate. The device industry refused to get in the sand box and now has a tax on gross income. The device industry is losing jobs and getting killed by what adds up to a 70%-85% tax for some companies. Lying down with dogs might be the thing to do when dogs are in charge of everything. That is the fault of the government which is of, for and by the people.

Gauranteeing American jobs is stupid for a global company - America is hiking the minimum wage, even pegging it to inflation in some states. America is deploying its IRS and Homeland Security and Bureau of Land Management and EPA to steal and destroy and crush its citizens in unconstitutional ways with impunity. The NSA spies on citizens and searches and seizures no longer require warrants in many cases. Americans voted for all this when the put people in charge that would do and allow all this. Why would anyone guarantee anything to an American when nothing is gaur anted back?

This is a totalitarian states of America. American ignorance is staggering and freedom is being rapidly lost. And then you idiots ask - why would a company leave the US and not protect US jobs? Companies are protecting themselves by getting out. Smart people will leave too? Why do you love your country? Because you're born there? How about because you're free and unmolested by your government? What do you love more? A country or your freedom? One day you may have to choose.

You're the idiot. The average US corporate tax rate actually paid is only 19% and some of the biggest US companies pay no taxes at all, year after year. God you're dumb, just like most Americans. This is the land of the clueless, home of the ignorant.

SHAME ON PFIZER. Pay your taxes like the rest of us and stop complaining about the US government. If it weren't for Medicaid and Medicare - Pfizer would have a fraction of the revenue the company now enjoys. The US taxpayers should be irate and ban all Pfizer products from the Medicaid and Medicare formularies.

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