On contracts set to end before 2012:when are you expecting to hear whether your contract is ending or renewed? Any word on if any existing contract is picking up more Pfizer products?
I worked with my Pfizer DBM yesterday, a real straight-shooter.
Her view based on the direction given to her for alignment of her own team, P4 is over the end of Q3.
The baited promise of contract extension (for the new generics model) is at best a limited exercise with only a few reps needed, (perhaps one per district). As for her district, she said she already has one of her Pfizer reps targeted for the position. (She said it's either that or unemployment for that rep.)
I countered with the well thought-out and astute, "But wait ... what about ... that's not what we were told."
To which she said nothing, just smiled and shrugged.
Then I says, "They lied to us? ... Naugh ...
I have started wondering the same thing. Why have they put off the supposed town hall meeting with more information for us that we were going to have? Why keep the B bag and get rid of all of the A bag when in Q4 we are so they say, selling Lipitor? They wanted 1 more quarter out of us selling B bag products but it could be true that they don't want us to know that is all they want out of us. How else to do that then to give us false hope to keep us motivated. This really could be the case. Anyone else think this is true?
I worked with my Pfizer DBM yesterday, a real straight-shooter.
Her view based on the direction given to her for alignment of her own team, P4 is over the end of Q3.
The baited promise of contract extension (for the new generics model) is at best a limited exercise with only a few reps needed, (perhaps one per district). As for her district, she said she already has one of her Pfizer reps targeted for the position. (She said it's either that or unemployment for that rep.)
I countered with the well thought-out and astute, "But wait ... what about ... that's not what we were told."
To which she said nothing, just smiled and shrugged.
Then I says, "They lied to us? ... Naugh ...
Your PFizer DM either doesn't know that facts or is bullshitting you.
P4 will be around long after the 3rd quarter - Don't believe anything a Pfizer DM or rep tells you right now - They are all running around hoping their jobs don't get cut and rumors are flying.
The above post is a prime example of a rumor that has no basis is reality except in the DM's confused mind.
Then is’t a matter of empowerment for the local DBM to define the structure of their overall team while differing the whiny wanta-bees of P4 to big brother as the bad guy. Perhaps it is their responsibility to call the ball, (within a set of business paramaters).
For example, in my district, all of the A-Bag team was let go. Only the B-Bag remained. I was supprised because my RFC and I don’t get along ... at all. So when the shake-down was about to happen I figured I was toast. On the afternoon I worked with my Pfizer DBM, she turned to me just befor parting and said with clear eye contact, “Don’t worry, I said you’ll be fine.”
That would explain the divergent comand and controll decissions on multipal fronts through out the nation. Cuz like I said above, My DBM’s not a bad guy ... just consistantly correct with the orical thing.
I’m the above poster “es over”,
... so for me, si.
For you ... maybe perhaps not so mucho.
Your PFizer DM either doesn't know that facts or is bullshitting you.
P4 will be around long after the 3rd quarter - Don't believe anything a Pfizer DM or rep tells you right now - They are all running around hoping their jobs don't get cut and rumors are flying.
The above post is a prime example of a rumor that has no basis is reality except in the DM's confused mind.
Hmm... Were these the same people who told bag A reps they'd be getting Pristiq, etc and then A side got let go?
Positive note is good, though.
You are very confused and your post really doesn't make all that much sense.
Facts are: Big lay-offs are in line for many Pfizer reps in mid August.
P4 is more than fine and will not be eliminated Q3.
Whatever you are being told or making up jsut isn't the truth.
P4 is Pfinished. End of Poctober. Your Pfriends at Pfizer.
Really? You couldn’t figure it out? I was stunned by your reply ... crushed really.
So I ran some copies of the message (above #7) and ran a little test of my own among your a peers.
One by one, I gave them a copy to read. One by one, I failed to pass muster.
It gets worse ... Not only did I have to pay them, only two took the time to tear it apart ... most just put the page down. (But there was that one who balled it up just before stuffing it into his mouth.)
Anyway ... live and learn.
If I’d just left well enough alone before I bought all those damn bananas.
PS: I figured it was my use of the term “oracle”, that tripped you up.
Oracle: A person or place used to prophetically reveal something ... which in your case would be arrogance and stupidity.
I didn't realize that they let you have acess to computers in rehab.
Dear Rehab,
That's it? ... That's all you got??
(Man, that's as lame as me saying you can't spell.)
-es over