I was hired early on for this contract. I can not even begin to tell you the nonsense that went on, I not only complained to my Publicis manager but Pfizer DM as well. My lists were changed to doctors that were no sees, lunch only doctors, clinics that don't allow reps and the list goes on. I was kept out of offices being told that there are too many reps going there, when in all actuality they were lucky to be hit once a month. My product and territory changed to fill in gaps of missing reps, the whole thing was illegal and degrading and certainly not the reason Pfizer brought us on. Needless to say I am not longer with the company and was basically forced out because I would not be dealt all the shit. Not to mention we were given specific targets for business reasons in which are sales quota was already applied = no bonus.
Do you think they realize what's going on in the field, would love to contact the person at the top of this contract, any ideas???